You have a 2 year history of clownish posts and getting schooled by duggers_dad. You have what is known as "invincible ignorance." You also suffer from the psychological dysfunction known as commitment escalation, as I previously pointed out. Scott Adams says his superpower is that he can't be humiliated or embarrassed by any dumb thing he posts. .is that your superpower? Rather than citing an article, let's think about Ukraine war casualties logically. In modern mechanized warfare 65% of casualties are from artillery. . It's been said that it's an even higher percentage in Ukraine. At one point in the war Russia was out shelling Ukraine 100:1 (Ukraine was running out of shells). Forget about that. Many have said Russia fires 10 artillery shells for every shell Ukraine fires. Let's be overly conservative and say Russia has a 7:1 advantage. Russian artillery is better than Ukraine's as well. Russia controls the air and has more powerful bombs. Russia has 30,000 volunteers joining the military every month. Ukraine has had to kidnap men and made them fight (per Scott Ritter). Russian soldiers are better trained. Russians give up territory to protect their soldiers. Ukrainian soldiers being decimated by artillery are told to hold their positions. How could Russia have anywhere near the losses Ukraine has suffered? Russia has achieved a decisive victory. Because the West armef Ukraine with Bradley's, missiles and rockets that have been used to attack oil refineries (successfully) as well as infrastructure in Belgorod, and perhaps because Ukrainian forces have been so decimated, Russia is now going on offense to prevent further escalation of the war. Like I said when the war began the longer it goes on the smaller post war Ukraine will be.
So the total butt-kicking these better trained Russian soldiers took at the start was all part of the plan. LOL Ukraine exacted 80% and 90% casualties on select units of the best Russia had. Notice past tense. Russia has not trained well since. In fact many reports have Russian conscripts going to battle ( to die) with antique weaponry and virtually zero training. Try again Vatnik. You're failing as badly as Putin's war effort.
I've been following this thread for a while and the cheerleading for Russia is DISGUSTING by anyone who considers themselves to be an American. That doesnt mean we should blindly proclaim that Ukraine is winning but the pro-Russia posters are way over the top. We should continue supplying Ukraine with aid for as long as THEY want to keep fighting.
As plausible an explanation as any for the terror attack … It’s really that simple: take attention away from Ukraine’s staggering losses, sow confusion and resentment against the leadership within Russian society, and perhaps most importantly: try to unbalance Putin into ‘over-reacting’ and creating some kind of retaliatory event that can be sold to Europe/NATO as a grave enough ‘Russian aggression’ necessitating French/NATO intervention, to save Zelensky’s ass. Death count has risen to 143 civilians. And this time next week (if not sooner) ten times that number of Ukrainian fighters will be dead.
T Russia announced a change in strategy just 2 days ago. Probably because: 1)The Ukraine Army has e been defeated in a decisive manner. 2) The West is trying to escalate the war by supplying Bradleys, missiles and rockers that can be used to attack infrastructure inside Russia. Putin is moving aggressively to stop war escalation. Putin wants to hang a big war defeat around Biden's neck to help Trump..
There is also a surmise that Russia has ground to dust the Great American Proxy, AKA: Ukraine, primarily with older weaponry, saving up the newer stuff, should the West decide to escalate.
By all means, please tell Russia to take the offensive again. It’s been long enough since early 2022 for them to forget how effective the Javelin and Stinger were. I’m on the edge of my seat with anticipation for whatever BS excuse you have next for Russian failure to “decisively defeat” Ukraine in this upcoming offensive. Oh, and I just loved the “Russians dominate the air!” comment. Even the other Russophiles on this site are wondering what war you’ve been watching.
What are you babbling about ? This Russophile is watching the war and concludes that Russia is dominating the air. For weeks now they’ve been pulverizing hardened Ukrainian fortifications with modified dumb bombs.
Schooled by Duggers Dad? That is the funniest thing I've seen posted in this thread. The only reason your views aren't more discounted than his is because he's been posting longer. Petty annoyances not to be taken seriously.
That extra shipping adds cost that makes it cheaper to buy from the US. That drives up US refined product prices
One reason why America has to fight its wars with other countries’ soldiers. It’s late-stage Roman Empire …
As others have pointed out, Russia's best troops (special forces, etc.) were largely wiped out in the first few weeks of the conflict. Russia has been essentially kidnapping people (there are very few volunteers, except for the few that are desperate enough for promised money that they are willing to risk their lives) and forcing them into military service with a couple weeks of training. Often the training is in the form of digging a ditch with a shovel, and many troops never get to fire a weapon during their training. Sounds suicidal to join a war with so little training. The advantage that Ukraine has had over Russia in artillery fire is their much greater accuracy of western artillery systems. Russian artillery is just not very accurate. And as the Russian artillery gets destroyed or wears out, they have to rely on older and older systems, which are even less accurate. Throw in low quality artillery shells from North Korea, and you can see that Russia has severe problems in this area. All they have is large numbers of shells to fire at Ukraine. Russian missiles are even worse. They have eliminated several steps from their standard testing programs to get missiles to the battlefield as quickly as possible, so the quality of their missiles has been less than impressive. They are low on numbers of missiles, since they have run out of their pre-war stockpile, and have to save newly-minted missiles for weeks to fire large numbers of them at once. Logistics is also a big problem for Russia, especially since their Black Sea navy has been neutered by Ukraine. Ukraine special forces have been working deep inside Russia blowing up railroads and bridges that have been moving hardware and munitions from eastern Russia to Ukraine. While the air war has largely been a stalemate to this point, Ukraine is about to have a new toy to play with: F-16's. Russia has been very terrified of Ukraine getting their hands on F-16's (hence the empty threats to respond with nuclear weapons), so they probably understand better than you why the F-16's could be a huge threat (even though they are almost 50-year-old weapons platforms). If we keep supplying Ukraine for another two years, I would say there is a good chance that Ukraine wins this war. I know your friends at the Kremlin will not like to hear that, but it's the truth. It's unlikely that Russia's economy will be able to keep going for another two years, especially if Ukraine keeps attacking refineries and factories. Of all the nuclear powers, Russia has one of the weakest economies, and they certainly cannot keep up spending with the U.S. and Europe over the long haul. Summary: your posts are a joke.
storm shadow missiles taking out black sea fleet communication centers in Crimean port Three Storm Shadow missiles hit Russian Black Sea Fleet communications centre in Sevastopol – photo, video | Ukrainska Pravda Appears that at least three Ukrainian Storm Shadow cruise missiles just slammed into a major Russian Black Sea Fleet communications center." Quote from Krymskii Veter: "We have been informed that missiles have hit the main special communications centre of the Russian Black Sea Fleet at 1, Mykoly Muzyky Street."