So... it's all about physics if you don't trust the federal government to NOT be up to something nefarious? Or do they suspect that the government is dumping other chemicals (other than the normal con trails) into the air above their state? Being afraid that other chemicals being dumped on a state (by our government) has NOTHING to do with one's belief in physics. That assumption is a big leap by the Dems.
NEWFLASH Rick, your federal, state and local officials are up to nefarious things EVERY SECOND. That said, there is no such thing as chemtrails and I assure you that if there were, the ignorant, hillbilly Retardicans in Tennessee would be about the last people to know that they actually existence. Either being too stupid and ignorant themselves, or being smart enough to know that the vast majority of their voter base are too stupid and/or ignorant to know that common condensation trails are a fundamental event dictated by fluid dynamics and 100% harmless has led to a law on par with outlawing witchcraft. It is a time tested philosophy of the Republi-ban, anything that they do not understand must by EVIL sent from the Devil and the Libs. Further, when there is such proof of people being this damned stupid, why would the federal government need to spray chemicals on them??
No sh!*... Why do you think Covid-19 was invented? Why do you think everyone in government and other business/jobs were forced to take the jab? Why the world shut down for over a year in some places.. And NOT one illegal, that was processed, was forced to take the jab? And the sheeple here didn't question that? Screw the plandemic and the people that went along with the whole facade. But that does NOT MEAN WE CAN'T FIGHT BACK!!!!!
I love it when people act like they don't trust the governmet yet every election they vote one to elect someone to government
So I guess we won’t be dropping the hurricane-defeating nuclear bomb over Tennessee now either? Got it.
General Jack D. Ripper: You know when fluoridation first began? Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: I... no, no. I don't, Jack. General Jack D. Ripper: Nineteen hundred and forty-six. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.
Democrats are in favor of open borders which increases pollution of our environment with chemicals that will shrink the size of male genitalia in future generations. Open borders have reduced wages for traditional Americans and increased deaths of despair. White life expectancy is down which many Democrats will see as a good thing..
The OP takes an enormous leap to go from the content of that article to a thread title saying Tennessee Republicans want to ban physics. There is nothing in that article or in the proposed legislation about banning physics. Are you really saying they won’t allow teaching quantum mechanics in universities anymore? Do you think physics classes in high schools and colleges will be outlawed? The article itself is bogus because what’s being addressed has nothing to do with crackpot chemtrail conspiracies. What’s being addressed is solar geoengineering. The specific language of the bill states that releasing chemicals “into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited.” Numerous patents have been applied for or issued regarding geoengineering. The article quotes the Harvard research group as saying if solar geoengineering “ever were tested at large scales or implemented it could involve physical risks and would raise a range of serious socio-political and ethical issues.” The legislation, which Pennsylvania is also considering, is getting out in front of possible climate altering activities. People are free to believe that solar geoengineering is a good thing. Perhaps it can be useful. However, just last week Harvard suspended their own program: Harvard has halted its long-planned atmospheric geoengineering experiment This article describes other solar atmospheric experiments that have been carried out releasing chemicals. Those projects had nothing to do with the chemtrail conspiracies. The sad thing about this thread is that after reading a very misleading thread title, people jumped on the dogpile with the usual extreme mocking. I suggest before mocking whole groups of people, it is best first to get the science correct. By the way, just so there’s no confusion, I do not believe any chemtrail conspiracies.
Life expectancy being down is correlated to the subject of this thread. Stupid people don't live as long.
Did the Harvard project ever actually release any chemicals into the atmosphere, or was that all just planned but cancelled before they actually did it?