Maggie Greene has called for a new speaker. Looks like April 9th is earliest date you'll need your popcorn. The GOP cannot govern. Anyone voting for them is voting for chaos. Marjorie Taylor Greene files motion to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson "I filed the motion to vacate today, but it's more of a warning and a pink slip," Greene told reporters outside the U.S. Capitol. "I respect our conference. I paid all my dues to my conference. I am a member in good standing and I do not wish to inflict pain on my conference and to throw the House in chaos." “I won’t give you a number, but I have talked to many who probably won’t go public, but silently they are breathing a sigh of relief," she responded. The congresswoman did not specify who she would want as speaker instead of Johnson. “I am saying the clock has started," she said. "It’s time for our conference to choose a new speaker."
If it goes to a vote, It just takes like 4 Republicans to agree with her since all the dems will vote for it... Lol...
Well, good. Since this Sword of Damocles has now fallen, the Speaker has no reason not to bring up the Ukraine-Israel-Taiwan bill for a vote immediately.
Possibly. Jeffries should make that offer today: Bring the military aid packages up for a vote immediately, and we will have your back for this one vote. Next time will cost something else.
this is from back in Jan, so who knows.....Hopefully, there are a few reasonable folks still in DC that treat MGT like a pesky idiot Moderate Democrats say they'd save Speaker Mike Johnson if the right tries to oust him handful of moderate Democrats say they would be willing to save the new Republican House speaker, Mike Johnson, if hard-line conservatives move to oust him from power as they did his predecessor, Kevin McCarthy. “Yes, we would back him,” said one senior moderate House Democrat who has been speaking with colleagues in his party. “I probably would [support Johnson]. We can’t do another three-week standstill. As it is, we’ve got nothing done in the 118th Congress,” said another moderate Democratic lawmaker who is facing a tough re-election bid in November. “Look, he’s not my favorite person in the world, but on the other hand it’s a terrible and tough job in this Congress.” “I would be very surprised if there aren’t a number of Democrats who would support Johnson” if conservatives try to force a vote to oust him as speaker “because I think we’re so tired of this,” the Democrat added. “As a ‘frontliner,’ I wouldn’t want to be accused by people of slowing things down.”
At least they are smart enough not to give their name to go on record about being terrible at politics
You gotta love the Democrats, the GOP is on the one hand a threat to democracy, but on the other, that's why we need to keep their speaker in power so we can govern with them. We must give people weapons at all costs!
At the very least he's going to have to agree to bring the Ukraine aid bill to the floor for a vote if he expects ANY Dem support.