Seems a very significant case. I don't have much of a feel over monopoly/antitrust laws. Certainly it's dominant. Unfair? Don't know. Unhealthy? Probably ... maybe ...? Apple has 64 percent of the US smartphone market.
I also don’t have any legal background but it seems it’s not the iPhone itself that is under attack but the Apple App Store. The App Store getting reigned in I think will be a good thing and will make apps cheaper, better and will have more people developing products. Is this reminiscent of how windows was forced to let everyone play on old desktops?
They've wisely chosen to mostly stay out of hardware like phones with special $40 plugs that only work with those phones. We should just nationalize Amazon instead.
Apple isn't just about the app store, it's actually minor. The issue is they prevent anything not of their ecosystem from working with their products either making it so difficult to use or purposely degrading it. For examples: they degrade everything from Android users, from texts, to calls, to videos, everything. Another issue is they don't allow other competitor products on any of their products. If you want to use something other than their smart watches, tough. It's not like they can't do it, they won't do it. That anti-competitive which is the crux of the suit.
I think the case against Amazon is much stronger. When you control the product, the storefront, and the distribution you've got quite the monopoly.
Too some extent though, the degree of difficulty with trust busting Amazon is akin to unionizing Walmart. You get into "too big to fail" territory.
They tried. Flamed out horribly. But apparently it’s Apple’s fault. DOJ makes ridiculous claim that the iPhone caused the Amazon Fire Phone fiasco
Apple has 64 percent of the US smartphone market, because they put out a superior product. It has always been by far and away the most stable, easy to use and technologically advanced all-in-one product. Add to that its enhanced security and consistent innovation. And recall, Apple gained this marketshare in a time where Windows dominated desktop and Apple's products were not able to operate on many of their platforms. Not a good look for the deep state.
Walmart, target, costco, sams...I probably use walmart+ as much as amazon anymore. Amazon was just first and best. They shouldn't be punished for their success
Do they need "we want to control prescription drugs and have a space program now" money though? I'm not sure success should be rewarded in that way.
I don't know about the merits of this either way and have always had mixed feelings about anti-trust laws generally. I was going to note that I've owned iphones and ipads for many years and never had a single problem. They're great. But maybe to RealGatorFan's point, I have noticed issues with sending videos and may pics to Android users. They tell me they're highly compressed.