We trap and shoot but they still always return. Trapping is good, but I'm more effective hunting (at night with thermal).
and the kill rate is much higher because the bullets do so much damage that it doesn't matter where you hit them. the same thing that makes them effective at killing humans
that's the way we clear them from the watermeon fields down here. at night,with thermal. nobody working the fields at night either
As long as you use the right caliber. I got away from 223 (but still use AR) about 10 years ago. It did OK a lot of the times but had too many instances where I was in a field with a large, wounded hog (or three).
Some have been showing up on the pretty snow bird lawns here in Florida. They do a much better job than a tiller. Swine spree in Sanford neighborhood as wild hogs tear up yards
we have them in our gated neighborhood in sw florida doing the same. always said that if the planet goes native I can live on pigs and mullet and what I can grow. I have a friend up in Orlando that gets paid to bow hunt them on golf courses up there.
There is no restriction on hunting/killing them here in Oklahoma. It is pretty much open season on them, no limits, 24/7/365.
Can make pretty good sausage where you control the mix. But if you are smoking it, it better be a younger sow… Nothing like tending the smoker all night for yuk