* and is endorsed by Trump A report published Thursday by the Associated Press further roiled the race when it reported that Moreno’s old company email had been used in 2008 to create an account seeking “young guys to have fun with” on an adult website typically used to facilitate sexual encounters. Moreno strongly denies creating the account and said an intern did so as a prank. Yeah. An intern did it as a prank. Not that I care how anyone behaves legally, in private. But this Trumppublican hypocrite is running on an anti LGBTQ platform, and has a gay child. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/16/trump-rally-ohio-senate-primary-moreno-00147454
Interesting race. The republican civil war between establishment and maga has only a few fronts left to fight on. This is one.
You think that's crazy, wait until you learn about the guy Trump endorsed for congress that was just arrested for murdering his wife.
If it's this case, it wasn't his wife. Former candidate for Congress accused of killing man exonerated in murder case | CNN
Yeah, not his wife. That's a bad headline though because his victim was exonerated not the former candidate.
Joe Biden's daughter wrote in her diary that daddy hypersexualized her. She had to wait until he fell asleep before she could take a shower.. that won't stop you from voting for him, will it?
While we're on the subject. Florida Pair Pleads Guilty in Theft of Biden’s Daughter’s Diary (Published 2022)
Speaking of presidential candidates and their daughters. Trump told Howard Stern it’s OK to call Ivanka a ‘piece of a--' https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-2004-trump-agreed-his-daughter-was-a-piece-of-ass/