Man on 1B / 2 outs Kc - Montgomery steals 2B-no throw/Kc - Burton grounds out to short FINAL GATORS 4-2
Came in with 0 losses - so we gave them some Came in with 0.0 ERA so we gave some runs Good series Gators
If they are like Gator baseball players of the past—them boys will be going to the “Library” to study tonight!…
Welp! It worked out. I can both eat my proverbial crow (anyone got some mustard to share?) and enjoy the win at the same time.
Big time series win. Bringing in McNeilie took a lot of confidence. That's why Sully is a future HOF.
What a game/series!!! Wow!! Cags- filthy as always but now as 2.00 era pitcher. Garrison- throws out 2 more runners. great teams-adjust to their talent and win anyway, they can and love seeing us win defensively today. 2 runs given up wow!!!!! Shelnut=Money. Love the “Santa Fe Kid”.
Yep, the last 2 weeks I’ve not seen a better manager. We have some limitations this year, and he is finding ways to overcome them. Credit to his staff also as they see the defensive side of this, especially with Garrison. Rivera and others will tell you that Garrison is very special as he is showing right now as the best defensive catcher in all of college baseball.