Decent sac bunt and Run would have scored. This is why you keep Garrison in the lineup a great defense, and always makes contact- moved runner up.
Warning track power does not a home run make When I was in my mid 20's, someone said that to me as a non-baseball-specific bit of wisdom. Apparently, it is not a saying. But I've kinda internalized it.
It’s great. Everybody looks at average but not at defense, putting ball in play, etc. Garrison does all the little things and plays great defense. There were people a couple of weeks ago, saying, but he doesn’t hit… Well, he puts the ball and play and has extremely productive at bats where he moves the runners over. Too many others strike out too much. No one On team has the value defensively that he has
Yeah, but would you not agree extremely productive at bat with 10 pitches and move the runner over?? Much better than the strikeout I’m seeing for others and great defense.
If the Gators are Going to win today they need exceptional pitching from the pen and Heymen and Shelton need hit.
Warning track power does not a home run make -- When I was in my mid 20's, someone said that to me as a non-baseball-specific bit of wisdom. Apparently, it is not a saying. But I've kinda internalized it. Yup.. that's pretty much a bit of my early-40's angst clearly stated.