So you are saying that the Russian police were in on the "prank" of lighting the polling booth on fire. Are YOU really that stupid? Damn, son! You lit your own a$$ on fire with that one, didn't ya? Maybe the police did not know that she was the one who did it. (There have been U.S. police who have provided directions to a serial killer on how to get out of an active shooter situation because the police did not know that he was the killer.) Maybe they secretly support her actions.
Not that I know of, though it might not be a terrible idea. The best place for a pedophile to be is a country that places a person’s utility over whatever rules are in place: “For my friends, anything. For my enemies, the law.”
Ah, you’re right - thought I had read something to that effect. But he does get his bread buttered from Moscow as a contributor to RT and Sputnik both mouthpieces of the Russian gov’t
Britain's Defense Secretary had his plane's GPS access jammed by Russia as he was flying past Kaliningrad. Apparently because the other ministers were too cheap in 2021 to spring for plane upgrades that would have prevented the jamming. Just another example of how unprepared European countries were at the start of the war (and still are). Grant Shapps’s jet left ‘defenceless’ after ministers baulked at cost of protective systems
I never said Russia doesn't have mail in or Internet voting. Putin voted by computer in this election. Retweets are not an endorsement .
the British are hilariously unprepared for near peer conflict.
Britain’s profound degradation makes its bellicose stance vs Russia all the sillier. If Britain was a character it would be Benny Hill.
As Western Europe is degraded, Russian economic growth accelerated and investment surges. The world blames the US for this war, and rightly so.
You post a lot of dumb things but the "world blames the US for this war, and rightly so" may be the dumbest of all.
It is almost certainly the case that most of the world’s population views this as a proxy war instigated by the U.S. against Russia. It’s just that most on this thread are slow on the uptake.
They totally are right now. At their current rate of production and mobilization the uk would be basically useless. Their air force is in free fall - they have aircraft shortages across the board. Their army is laughably useless right now. About their only decent arm right now is the navy but it’s having capability issues as well. This is the problem with Western Europe. They are 100% not ready for war. Serious capability gaps facing Royal Navy says report
^ The situation with the US military isn’t a whole better … 70% Or More Of F-35s May Not Be Combat-Capable | ZeroHedge
Either that, or two or three people on this thread have no capacity for uptake. To put it in terms that maybe you could understand, in the movie "A Christmas Story", one boy triple-dog-dares another boy to stick his tongue on a frozen flagpole and he does it. Who is responsible for this action? According to you, the boy who "dared" him to do it is clearly 100% responsible. The boy with his tongue on the flagpole has no responsibility in this case. The rest of us understand that the boy with the jello-pop tongue could have said no, or done a reverse quadruple dog dare and persuaded the other boy to freeze his tongue to the pole. And to distinguish this story from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, at no time did the U.S. do anything that could be construed as encouraging Russia to invade Ukraine. We warned Russia that there would be consequences if they chose to invade, and we started providing weapons and intel to Ukraine before the invasion. Russia chose to invade on their own, just like Germany chose to invade Poland in 1939 on their own. Neither country was forced to invade their neighbor. Russia wanted more territory and natural resources, so they decided to take it from their neighbor. Case closed.
China engineers a coup in Mexico, ousting its America-friendly president. It then proceeds to stir up the populace, against the U.S., while arming and training the Mexican military. All this time Mexican forces are killing American expats in the north of Mexico. Over a course of nearly a decade U.S. concerns are rebuffed. Finally, the US has enough and sends its army into Mexico. Outraged, China appeals to the UN to condemn and sanction America’s ruthless invasion.
Looks like Putin’s going to eke out another term. Note: The Moscow Times is virulently anti-Putin … Live: Putin at 87% in Exit Polls After Russians Protest on Final Day of Voting - The Moscow Times
Now imagine a U.S. president laying out what you just did above. Why are you attempting to sew discord within NATO @slayerxing ?