Would be a bigger deal if this wasn’t the 9th time the Army has revised its mission statement to rework a phrase that wasn’t even in the mission statement until 1998. Perhaps enlistment numbers are down and the Army felt the need to broaden the mission statement to be more appealing to a broader group of candidates? Much ado about nothing other than more faux outrage by the side claiming thicker skin. .
I joined under the recruitment motto of “Be All that You Can Be”. Then it was “Army of One”. Then it became, “Army Strong”. Then it was some weird one nobody remembers. Now it’s supposedly back to “Be All that You Can Be.” The point is we change mottos and sayings all the time. The most I’ll do is laugh if it’s a dumb one, then I go about my day. It doesn’t matter.
Most Soldiers don’t care, and most of us didn’t go to West Point. The Army Values are what are important and they still the same. If they change it, I don’t care as long as the same principles are kept. It’s an acronym that that spells LDRSHIP Loyalty. Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers. ... Duty. Fulfill your obligations. ... Respect. Treat people as they should be treated. ... Selfless Service. Put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own. ... Honor. ... Integrity. ... Personal Courage. Anything resembling this is fine with me.
Thankfully their first proposed revision of “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and no misgendering ” was shelved
Rather deceptive thread title considering that the Academy's motto remains unchanged. From the original linked article: I'm also not sure how anyone would find new mission statement offensive.
I’m thinking “Lies, Treason, and Bone Spurs” if they want to appease “real Americans”, as they call themselves.
Good commandments to live by, though it seems they are foreign to a goodly portion of our population these days, e.g., the Trump cult. What the hell does that dude mean by what's written inside his hat? If he's serious, and is part of the "I love Putin" cult, he ought to be kicked out of WP.
Interesting that equity and inclusion were brought up in this thread. West Point has one of the most diverse student bodies in the US, 12% Hispanic, 9% Asian American and 11% black, which is double the percentage of blacks at UF.
I don’t know if it’s real or photoshopped, but if it’s real I’m sure he’s getting serious discipline. I personally saw guys get booted out of Army Officer Candidate School for far less than that. Even if he somehow gets through WP, this would certainly be brought up during his security clearance investigation.
It was a real photo from a few years ago. The guy was a socialist, not some Putin follower (who isnt a communist by any means). He ended up getting kicked out of the military from what I recall.
Deception is what they do best. This is much ado about nothing. The motto is unchanged, they simply cleaned up the mission statement… which makes sense. I’ve read a lot of military mission statements. I’ve written quite a few as well. Duty, Honor, and Country are not the kinds of words you would typically find in a military mission statement. Not really the appropriate place to have those words.
Also given that the photo was before "woke" became some kind of catchphrase its all just conservative agitprop