And criminality. It's far too important to leave that out. After all - the new RNC head was basically chosen for his willingness to lie about fake election fraud. What a world - these are grown adults, generally intelligent and well educated. And to be in their political party they have to publicly lie for a criminal con man!!
I think the thing that many get wrong about Trump is to overestimate the link between policy and his support. It isn't about manufacturing jobs, tariffs, or even really about abortion or gay people. It is about the hierarchy of social order. A segment of white people, across economic groups, but largely less educated, feel that their position in society, which they view as "earned," is threatened. They think it is because of immigrants or black people getting too much power or women working as primary income earners or gay people not being shunned or whatever grievance they currently feel. This has made them feel that the society is taking away their earned status. These aren't people reviewing reports on manufacturing jobs or considering the economic implications of immigration or tariffs. Trump wouldn't (and, in fact, didn't) lose support for losing jobs in specific industries, like coal miners. It is largely about feeling safer that you will always maintain some status in society. And, it should be noted, it is also about being entertained by the guy insulting all those groups that they think wronged them.
Ah, its always just a matter of messaging and saying the right words, this is another liberal preoccupation.
Fair point about religion and cultural issues. With respect to economics/class issues, there is no doubt that Republicans have been courting blue collar workers in recent years and Democrats have (fairly or not) been branded as "elitists." I recall push-back on the theory that 2016 Trump voters were largely motivated by "economic insecurity" when it was reported that Trump voters had higher incomes than Hillary voters (and I don't even think that accounted for the higher cost of living in more populated (blue) areas). I'm not sure if the below 2020 numbers are accurate, but they indicate that Biden won the votes of those making $100K and below and that Trump won the votes of those making over $100K. Just thought this is an interesting consideration to throw into the mix. 2020 Presidential Election exit polls: share of votes by income U.S. 2020 | Statista
Respectfully, I think you transitioned too seamlessly between two things; a) On most legitimate policy decisions, he is just lying to them. He did nothing for manufacturing, or immigration, or the border. b) Agree. He tells them he's fighting for them, that they are under attack and that they need him, and that it is right for them to hate. Is that populism? Not that I'm opposed, his supporters generally know anything about either his policies, or any policies in general.
Yep, and this is usually the end state of populism. It begins to swirl around “the populist” and not transcendent ideas or goals (the 2020 Republican presidential platform said we want to do whatever trump wants) Populism doesn’t end well and your observation is part of the reason in my view.
I think this concentration of interests in a single individual is what is most troubling about the maga movement. I try to determine what are the best policies, but this seems to require far too many assumptions to make it an objective undertaking. Maybe we really do have a problem with border security. Instead, I think we are best served by considering what is the most fair way to determine our policies. To this end, I think the key is to include intellectual diversity in our decision making. The closer we get to unified group simply amplifying the views of a single person, the worse off we will be. Unfortunately, this might be a relatively accurate way to describe the current Republican Party, which is troublesome.
If a cult of personality by a narcissist con man can overcome conservative ideology and take over its party, was it really all that popular to begin with? Maybe the GOP has been a cult the whole time just looking for its leader?
The republican party is not dead. It is just in a coma. After Trump is dead and the people realize that his policies never did anything positive for the country, the party will wake up again and become aware of something called "reality".
I think the problem with the GOP is that its policies benefit a very narrow group of people - wealthy investor class. They have to motivate a larger group of voters to side with them which is why they needed the southern strategy or the maga movement. Structurally they need emotional voting motivation because the policies aren’t broadly beneficial.
They don't care about policies. They hear their own 4th grade education and retrograde ideas in his voice. They hear the same lack of critical thinking that they can't deploy either. He is the president of the moron club where he is also a member.
they just fired 60 senior staffers. wonder if they will replace them with incompetent sycophants, true believers, or just use their salaries to pay lawyers? Trump's team is slashing Republican National Committee staff amid takeover, AP sources say ( Just days after installing his new leadership team at the Republican National Committee, Donald Trump's lieutenants are cutting dozens of staff across key departments in an aggressive move that further cements the former president's takeover of the GOP's political and fundraising machinery. More than 60 people were fired in all, including senior staff in the political, data and communications departments inside the committee's Washington headquarters. The cuts also included staff that ran the committee’s celebrated community centers, which were focused on building relationships with minority groups in some Democratic-leaning states.
It typically happens all the time when there is a new nominee for President in either party. Embattled DNC asks all staffers for resignation letters
I disagree. Maga is the cult of personality of one man. It will die with him. Especially if it takes another L in November. But Maga is why I left the party.
There will be more after him trying to take over that role. One only needs to look as far as Tallahassee to see that.
I agree it’s primarily about Trump, but I have a hard time thinking the Republican Party is going to pivot back to some sort of normalcy. It will still be dominated by a strong man populist and anti elitist anger theme. It will be repackaged as something else. Somebody like a Ron Desantis but who has more charisma.