Naked Man Holding Trans BLM LGBTQ+ Flag Casually Strolls Down City Street | The Daily Caller The incident appeared to have occurred in the Ravenna neighborhood of Seattle, according to another video by the journalist Andy Ngo. The video showed what seemed to be the same man draped in the flag and lying down spreadeagled in the middle of the road, obstructing vehicular traffic. Just another day in wacko Seattle
Kind of like saying "this is the America the Republicans want" when there is a mass shooting in which the shooter uses a recently acquired semi-automatic military style rifle with large capacity magazines. Waiting for an "Off-topic" rating although it's a completely valid analogy comparing two absurd comments based on unusual events although there is a difference since one only involved behavior by a nut case in which people have died.
Its a cultural problem generated by the Boomers. They completely rejected authority, and unfortunately, as it turns out, needs some goal posts to keep their pants on.
No, you’re making the right point. When have we ever seen one of these “this is what party X wants” posts be accepted by actual members of party X? It just doesn’t happen.
What a silly generalization. Don’t think I saw “mentally ill naked man strolling city streets” on anyone’s platform. Be better.
If the man is truly mentally ill as the title suggests, I'm not sure that cultural disrespect for authority should be the takeaway from the story. For many years, we threw "crazy" people (and probably many who were not) in asylums. That has mostly changed, but we don't seem to have a consensus about how to address and alleviate mental health problems.
As a member of that generation and it really embarrasses me, a majority of Trump's supporters are also boomers. Donald Trump and His Boomer Base I’m a baby boomer myself, and I no longer recognize my own generation. A big slice of white boomers are now living on hate. They hate nearly everything and everybody — even Disney and Taylor Swift! — because Trump and MAGA and Fox News have told them to. They hate books, vaccines, colleges, unions, corporations, cities, Hollywood, Broadway, the NBA and the NFL, Black people, brown people, and of course immigrants. They really hate immigrants. They are convinced that college professors and journalists secretly control America.
I think its fear not hate. I am not sure how they got so scared of everything. I am partially thinking they missed the computer and information revolution so the world seems very foreign and scary when you dont understand any of it.
Its neither fear or hate, its just what they have always done. Reject the status quo, going all the way back to the 60s. If its mainstream, they dont like it, even if it makes sense. Unfortunately, they severely damaged Millennials like myself with broken homes, insane debt and a world that is worse than when they were handed the keys. I could rail on Boomers for hours, but these topics are too far from the thread's purpose.
Couple of things. Why is mental illness a left or right thing? Shouldn't we all do better taking care of those who have issues taking care of themselves? Second, I wonder if the OP has ever been to Seattle? So the vibe in Seattle is different than what you would get in the South. Is that a bad thing? Why is diversity so feared? And the area of town where this guy was is very close to the Fremont District, which is known to have an annual naked bike ride.
OP acts like 1) you can’t walk anywhere in Seattle without seeing this (not even close to being true), and 2) that Seattle residents support this kind of non-sense (again, not true).