Old Joe may have mispronounced Laken Reilly's name but he didn't confuse his remaining primary opponent with the former Speaker of the House nor did he make multiple statements to the effect that he is running against a former president who left office over seven years ago rather than the incumbent current president.
My apologies to the forum for falling for a complete Fox News lie about what Biden said. I assumed that MSN was republishing a legitimate story. Old men do stupid things.
Wont vote for either D or R for the 3rd election in a row. Just abysmal choices for the 3rd straight election.
1984 Article on Reagan’s gaffe’s. Imagine the shit storm today. REAGAN'S GAFFE (Published 1984) During a voice check in preparation for his regular weekly radio broadcast, the President remarked: ''My fellow Americans. I am pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.'' Although White House officials asserted this was an off-the-record jest, aides to Walter F. Mondale asserted that President Reagan had undone the benefits of recent diplomatic maneuvering with the Kremlin. Also Reagan… "I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself". "We are trying to get unemployment to go up, and I think we're going to succeed" "All the waste in a year from a nuclear power plant can be stored under a desk" "trees cause more pollution than automobiles" Jokes that wouldn’t go over today about regarding his age: "They say hard work never hurt anybody, but, I figure, why take the chance?" "I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency - even if I'm in a Cabinet meeting" Those famous Reagan gaffes
I would hate for someone like that to say the wrong thing when it comes to something like nuclear codes.
All good. You certainly aren't the first, and unfortunately won't be last, person to get sucked in by Fox. At least you won't have to stroke a $787,500,000 check to anyone over Fox BS.
1. I've not heard a thing about any significant memory loss. As an 80 year old who still has his wits about him, it's not at all unusual for me to struggle occasionally with a word or name. My family laughs at me going through their names until I get the correct one. I won't pretend to have Biden's experience and wisdom, but that is far more important than the occasional gaff. 2. Insults, narcissism and all the rest with Trump should tell anyone that the choice is easy in November. I'll take an octogenarian who loves and has honorably (mostly) served his country - and doesn't pose a threat to democracy - over Trump any day of the week and twice on Sunday. It's a no-brainer. One doesn't have to like all his policis. One just has to love America.
It was a gaffe but if you actually listened to Biden's SOTU what he probably meant was send me a Democratic Congress. It was rather obvious that he is taking a page of Truman's playbook and is running against a Republican majority House of Representatives. Unlike Trump who from on more than one occasion thought that he was running against Obama Biden knows that he's not running for Congress.