But crime is actually down. Aren’t we told that every day ? National Guard to be deployed in New York City subway in crime crackdown: Governor
Meanwhile, yes, crime is down in NYC. Here are the actual numbers. NYC crime stats 2023: Are crime rates up or down in the city?
so I’m curious. If crime is indeed down in a blue city and blue state, why would a blue governor feel compelled to deploy the national guard ?
DeSantis just announced surging of state assets to various Florida cities in advance of spring break. This is not intended to be a deflection or to change the subject, and I'm not saying it's a bad idea for either NYC or for Florida. But I think it's fair to point this example out to the extent the argument is that deploying additional law enforcement assets is inherently inconsistent with the claim that crime rates having been declining over a period of time and have improved. Governor DeSantis Surges State Assets to Maintain Law and Order During Spring Break MIAMI BEACH, Fla.—Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced that Florida is surging law enforcement personnel and assets across the state to ensure law and order is maintained over spring break. The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) and Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) will be deploying manpower and tactical assets to popular spring break destinations like Miami Beach, Daytona Beach, and Panama City Beach. “Florida may be popular for spring break, but it is inhospitable to criminal activity,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “Florida does not tolerate lawlessness and chaos. I am directing state law enforcement agencies to provide additional personnel and assets to local entities to ensure that they have the resources they need to keep the peace over spring break.” **** Earlier this year at the direction of Governor DeSantis, Florida Highway Patrol sent a memo to law enforcement across the state, offering assistance to those in need of an increased enforcement presence. So far, 17 law enforcement agencies have requested a total of 140 state troopers to be deployed to their jurisdictions to assist with spring break. FHP will also activate 24 Quick Response Troopers in Bay, Volusia, Broward, and Dade counties for immediate response to incidents requiring additional law enforcement personnel.
Is the "blueness" important? Politicians deal with people's feelings just as much if not more than facts.
Because it looks like you are doing things and taking charge in a vibes based political system. This quote encapsulates everything about politics now: New York Gov. Hochul Deploying National Guard To Do Subway Bag Checks
Guess I don’t understand the nuance . Yes the blueness matters. It’s a continual message that ‘pubs’ are just too stupid to understand the nuance of ‘insert any subject’. So with this specific example, what you are saying is crime is really down and the blue constituents of a blue city in a blue state are too ignorant to understand they are actually safer and crime is down ? And where are they getting misinformation or disinformation ? They don’t watch faux news or read town hall ? Rush Limbaugh is dead. Why would they ever ‘feel’ unsafe in a safe city ? Who manufactured this manufactured crisis that requires national Guard assistance ?
not sure you can draw an equivalency to a scheduled event that draws additional Law enforcement whether it’s spring break or the Super Bowl to the governor of NY Deploying the national guard for what we are told on GC is perfectly safe city where crime is on the down trend and it’s all a PR campaign( by who??) to just make people feel unsafe.
I guess somebody has never heard the phrase "If it bleeds, it leads." It is interesting how committed you are to crime actually going up despite the fact that people keep track of crimes, and it isn't showing that. Is that because you don't like it when people tell you that your feelings might not be based on empirical facts? Is that too nuanced? BTW, none of this is new. Crime has been declining for decades and Americans think it is growing the entire time. Americans Are Bad At Perceiving Crime Trends
From NYPD: "The New York City Police Department is headed by the Police Commissioner, who is appointed by the Mayor. His function is to carry out the department's critical mission: ensuring a safe, secure environment and enhancing the quality of life for all New Yorkers." does NYPD work under the mayor's office? - Google Search So, I'm confident that the statistics are 100% pure as the driven snow and have no political influence nor are portrayed to make the Mayor look good; oh, and I'm looking to buy a bridge in Brooklyn. Have a friend who owns a company with an office in NYC. He says it's "horrible" compared to five years ago. His words, just talking shop, not politics. He gave an employee who was assaulted on the subway (hot coffee in face, robbery attempt) a $500 taxi credit so she could ride safely to and from the office for a period of time. Sorry, ATLGatorFan is spot on with this. From the Left we are told 1. A 9-0 Supreme Court decision is not really unanimous 2. Deploying the National Guard is not because crime is out of control 3. A man can become a woman and vice-versa. 4. Protests in 2020 were "mostly orderly" and masks were not required when protesting....but certainly should be worn otherwise. Wow...just listing the BS makes me need to wash my hands. This is brilliant move on Hochul's part. You "defund the police" in NYC satisfying the far Left then you release the National Guard for safety and can proclaim you're protecting all New Yorkers from those White supremacists who a running rampant all through and around the Big Apple. I am GatorFan and I approved this message.
Good try on the deflection sir. Got it. So New Yorkers really are too stupid to realize they at actually safer. So can you commit to being consistent and say liberals may be just as stupid as pubs to fall for such a ruse? Maybe, just maaaaybe you yourself are blinded by your own ideology and ignoring the possibility that your data may actually be false snd all of this is actually happening…..
So your argument is that the police chief has more reason to lie about, for example, murders (somehow) in 2023 than they did in 2022, and, therefore, dropped a bunch of them when they wouldn't have done so in 2022? Also, they lie about it in 2023 even though that will serve as a baseline in 2024, causing the perception of rising crime even if it didn't. And they do all this despite the fact that many cities literally have updated databases in which people would easily be able to tell that crimes weren't being listed.
Becasue crime can be down overall across NYC but also spike on the subway specifically. The math isn’t that difficult. As a guy with a kid living on NYC I’m glad to see this. It’s long overdue, even if crime is decreasing as a whole across the City.
WWWOC. What Would William Ockham Conclude? Let’s see. What’s more likely??? That all the briliant IVY league graduates in manhattan have fallen for right wing ruse by TV personalities they don’t watch, websites they don’t read and radio hosts they don’t listen to? Orrrrrr the crime has actually gotten worse. In an ironic twist, it seems the task given non needed national Guard is to check bags which sounds a lot like stop and frisk which we’ve all been told doesn’t work. Oh wait. It will work this time when in the effort to Be fair and equitable the national Guard spends 95% of their time checking all the bags of the wall Street bankers and advertising executives perpetrating all the fictional Crime. That’s a lot of expensive work just to make those New Yorkers who seem unable to understand the nuance of a complex situation , just so they can ‘feel’ safe again. Hmmm. WWWOC
Yes, people all walk around knowing exactly how many crimes there are in their city for real (with a S.E. = 0) despite spending very little time studying this subject. Meanwhile, the people who actually spend their lives recording the number of crime say that the stats show crime declines, backed by their data. But they are all lying because they don't understand baselines. That is real Ockham-like thinking there. You really should read the Asher piece that I posted. It gives you far more realistic explanations. From a guy hired by a bunch of law enforcement agencies to...track crime.
Have family in Brooklyn and have stopped using public transit when we visit. This last trip in Dec23 all travel was via Uber and Lyft.
Subway crime has been bad for a while now. Terrible optics for NYC calling in the guard but certainly sends a message.