Joe Biden's Border Visit Went Just As Expected ( President Joe Biden took time out of his precious “busy” schedule of eating ice cream and laying on the beach to make a trip down to the southern border as his immigration crisis hinders his 2024 re-election chances. Thursday’s border visit came with confusion and frustration as Biden was seen shuffling his way along the U.S.-Mexico border in Brownsville, Texas. The president’s efforts to secure the border have been non-existent for the past three years. However, now that his presidency is on the line and Americans are fed up with his lack of handling the border, the Biden Administration has decided to do something about it. Biden also dared to complain about how long the asylum process takes after undoing former President Trump’s “Remain In Mexico” policy that turned millions of illegal migrants away from the border. Border Patrol Union President Brandon Judd criticized Biden for visiting Brownsville-- which is a more calm area of the southern border-- rather than Eagle Pass, Texas which is the epicenter of the immigration crisis. I think the title says it all. This guy has destroyed our border and were paying the price with all of these illegal immigrants
This intro is abjectly terrible. “‘Busy’ schedule of eating ice cream?” I don’t know Townhall, but I can understand G8tas’ point. I accept that no media can be standpoint free, flgator2, but I would highly recommend moving on to a different source.
Still holds true. There's not a shred of an attempt at objectivity in that article. You'd probably make the same complaints about the NY Times but it's night and day. This article isn't intended to inform, it's intended to reinforce a preconceived notion and provoke outrage.
What’s false about a childish insult? Nothing. Nor is there anything true about it. It’s just dumb and not what we should desire from a journalist. In fact, I would suggest such rhetoric is incompatible with what is properly called journalism.
You make a point, but what sources sited here regularly actually have journalist still writing for them? Nearly every source anyone can site is mostly writings from biased reporters, and I accept that as long as the facts sited are correct. I have long since got over expecting much if any of the mainstream media types to not be biased. As long as the story is correct, I look past the flowery descriptions I may or may not agree with.
For one it says eating ice cream AND laying on the beach. Can you provide information about Biden laying on the beach lately in the dead of winter? Town Hall isn’t journalism it is a source polemic political writing.
I guess they forgot that they have used Comedy Central as a "news" source in the past. It's amazing how quickly these Liberals forget their own past news sources.
Did he say that Biden laid on the beach yesterday... or even in the winter? Seems like you may have inferred incorrectly.
It was Biden himself who has said he is too busy to go to the border. Geez people think for yourselves one time! The article simply points out various times Biden found time to do frivolous things rather than try to go to the border. Especially during times of crisis!!! I see triggers have been pulled for many of you.
Seems like Border visit went well to me. Unfortunately not so much for Mr. Dementia. I hope Trump stops America from being de-banked and consequently invaded by immigrants who speak languages nobody in America speaks. It's a bigly problem. How do you listen to that guy and honestly go.. yea.. thats my guy!!?? Cognitive Decline? Trump Goes on Bonkers Rant at Border “We have languages coming into our country, nobody that speaks those languages,” Trump droned. “They’re truly foreign languages. Nobody speaks them.”