McConnell to quit as Senate Republican leader in November McConnell to quit as Senate Republican leader in November Will be really interesting to see who replaces him
Is he stepping down from just the senate leadership or from the senate itself? Reads like it is just the leadership role. He needs to retire entirely
speaking of the house peanut gallery ilk, please no. Govern versus swinging from the rafters slinging shit all day.
This needs to happen. The guy has served the country a very long time. But it is time to go to the pasture and enjoy the remainder of his life not in the public eye.
He was just getting his cardio in for the day. Corrupt Jan 6 Committee tried to spin it like he was running from the tourists.
Although he's just stepping down from the leadership role I got the strong impression that while he will be serving the remainder of his term he will not be running for reelection in 2026.
I would add while Mitch has done irrevocable damage considering that through his parliamentary manipulation that allowed Trump to pack the court he was largely responsible for the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade his replacement will probably be even worse. I really fear the possibility of a Senate led by a total Trump sycophant although Mitch may not have been much better considering the way he caved to Trump on the border bill, backing the compromise before opposing it.
An A.I. enhanced super computer selects 435 (NEW) Congress persons and 100 (NEW) Senators from each state, 50% Blue, 50% Red from the general population. (sorry indepedents / maybe next cycle) Requirements: A H.S. diploma, registered to vote, valid I.D., minor if non existant criminal record, and Citizens not on the dole. Replace the current group with the above "new". Complete lunacy or a more "representative group of politicians"? Thoughts?
Sold. Have those basic reqmts & maybe get least get at least a 70% on test of common knowledge, basic current events and math skills. If they met those requirements i would take a random 535 people. (Of course we know who the test on common knowledge & current events would screen out. Hint - maga. It would screen out maga crazies.) btw funny line on independents (me). Ha.
@oragator1 Point of Order: ah hum… Senate MINORITY Leader. good for Moscow Mitch. His legacy is cemented. He has nothing else to do with his re-imagined SCOTUS and Roe reversal.
Double edged sword. As bad as he was, and dirty aka SCOTUS, I never got the impression he wanted the US to burn down like MAGA does.