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EXCLUSIVE: Hazmat Unit Descends On Donald Trump Jr.’s Home After He Received Death Threat, White Pow

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by flgator2, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. Gatoragman

    Gatoragman GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 4, 2008
    I agree!!! He absolutely says a lot of things that I cringe at and wish he hadn't said. I'll add though that I have some friends and business associates that I have met from the northeast and their vocabulary and the way they say things sometimes are a long way from how I would say it. But the words are only words and I have to remind myself that daily!
  2. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    Dont forget the guys who would post that one bible verse about the leader dying or days being numbered or whatever it was. My favorites were the ones about hoarding salt and ammo for when America collapsed.
  3. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    You're friends and business associates regularly say things in public, to the public, that would get them fired from most professional jobs?

    I do not believe you. This seems to be just some more of the standard excuse making for the cult leader's unacceptable regular hate speech. Either that or, well, just about everybody calls non-whites vermin in public, and claims to "grab 'em by the p****"". Hmmm?

    But you weren't able to remind yourself of that during your intense agitation over the unkind works of the resident leftists on this deplorable thread ?
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  4. rivergator

    rivergator Too Hot Mod Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Off-topic Off-topic x 1
  5. Gatoragman

    Gatoragman GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 4, 2008
    Convinced!!! AI Bot!!
  6. ridgetop

    ridgetop GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 4, 2020
    Top of the ridge
    I’ve been here a long time. Both sides have absolute ahole posters. Both sides have people that are complete idiots and jerks. Here lately it seems only one side regularly gets chided by certain mods. Question when the last time one of the people calling for the right to be more civil and time it down called out one of the more vocally obtuse LW posters? When was the last time one of the mods punlically chided a LW nutjob? And do t act like they don’t exist.
    There is a reason so many RW posters have left over the years. It’s not even handed. Personal bias does show.
    Do I care? Yeah.. a little. When certain posters on the left are allowed free rein to post hate and drivel and insinuate others are racists.. with no accountability… it sucks and is irritating.
    For the most part the mods do a decent job, but to pretend their personal bias doesn’t show is a joke. Just look through this thread.
  7. rivergator

    rivergator Too Hot Mod Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007

    I've heard that plenty of times. We had a rw poster publicly announce that he was leaving a few weeks ago because he was convinced moderating was unfair to conservatives. Here's what happened:
    A liberal poster made a comment about his IQ being higher than that of conservatives. A day or two later, a conservative quoted another of that person's posts with a response questioning his alleged IQ. I deleted his comment telling him that IQ arguments are always ugly.
    The conservative said it was unfair that the liberal could make the claim but he couldn't. He hasn't been back.
    But the fact is that I had already deleted the liberal's post for the exact same reason.

    Both posters had been treated the same, but one guy was convinced it was unfair and hasn't been back.

    But this is important - if you do have a question about post or unfair treatment, please either send a PM to one of the mods or use the report button and it will go to the mod board where all the mods can see it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  8. Gatoragman

    Gatoragman GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 4, 2008
    Let me get in here before the new leftwing AI bots gets in!! Quit being a victim!!! LOL
  9. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    I've been here a long time too, longer than most, and a lot of people have posted stuff like this over the years, but they never seem to place themselves in the "Ahole" or "complete jerk" category they think are running riot. My own take is that might not be how other people view them and their posting style. To someone else, you may be the jerk that is constantly getting away with flouting the rules or not being called out by a mod for some sort of behavior. Anyways, why people feel compelled to stick up for posters they wont even name out of some sort of ideological loyalty or imagined inconsistency is beyond me. People complain about team mentalities and then they do stuff like that.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2024
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  10. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    Could we please get your opinion on something, then, since this seems important to you?

    If someone publicly calls non-white immigrants "vermin" who are "poisoning the blood" of our country, is that a racist thing to say?

    How about someone who outright lies and says they personally saw thousands of Muslims in the USA celebrating the 9/11 attacks?

    Is supporting someone who publicly says such things "racist"? Or is it only supporting a racist?

    Perhaps people should only insinuate that many right-wing posters here "support a racist" ?
  11. Gatoragman

    Gatoragman GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 4, 2008
    If you don't vote for Biden, then you are not black. Racist or not?
    Obama is the first mainstream African American that is articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking man. Racist or not?
  12. mrhansduck

    mrhansduck GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 23, 2021
    Thankfully it appears no one was physically harmed. Let's hope they catch whoever sent it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    Nah, just a pretty jack*** thing to say.

    Nah. Just a pretty dumb*** way of complimenting Obama.

    But your point is that those comments are equal to telling deliberate lies in order to disparage an entire religion? Or that is equal to calling non-white people vermin ?

    It's fun to see what excuses are sometimes made.
  14. higator85

    higator85 All American

    May 20, 2020
  15. rivergator

    rivergator Too Hot Mod Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    You and are. Can’t speak for the rest of them.:cool:
  16. ridgetop

    ridgetop GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 4, 2020
    Top of the ridge
    If you checked my posting history you’d know that I have called out RW posters for such drivel. More than once or twice. That has nothing to do with what I wrote.. but nice strawman.
  17. ridgetop

    ridgetop GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 4, 2020
    Top of the ridge
    Can you please show were we supported those comments? They are despicable and gross. Do you think there are no LW posters making despicable and gross comments?
  18. gaterzfan

    gaterzfan GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 6, 2020
    I “ignored” a dozen or so individuals or bots this morning and the board is so much better. I’ve been able to eliminate the mindless political nonsense those constantly post. Based upon the substantial reduction in activity it’s obvious that those dozen or so were/are significantly impacting the board with their cyber flotsam.

    Is it far more effective to monitor and clean the board on your own.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2024
    • Like Like x 1
  19. gatorjo

    gatorjo GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 24, 2024
    If I made an incorrect assumption about you, I apologize and stand corrected.

    However, I think it's inaccurate to compare any "LW posters" to a candidate for President. Further, I think it's accurate to consider anyone willing to vote for a presidential candidate who deliberately makes clearly inflammatory racist comments (and frequently outright LIES) as being tolerant of such racist comments. At the least.

    So I consider the outrage on this thread from such posters to be interesting. To put it very diplomatically.
  20. higator85

    higator85 All American

    May 20, 2020
    Could you please show where “we” condemned them (much less condemning Trump himself).
