Regrettably the GOP did not try to make amends and nominate a sane candidate. For me there is no comparison. Trump, by his own statements, is a raving lunatic, whose idea of a good presidency is to destroy the credibility of the office, destroy the system of representative Gov't, lie to his supporters, and a person that embraces repressive totalitarian regimes. He also believes the environment is a thing to be destroyed by real estate developers. Biden may become a spokesman for ensure and motorized chairs, but I will take that anyday as compared to the madness and destruction Trump will most certainly bring. lastly, the Ukrainians deserve to survive, it looks like a few MAGA, led by by that wanna be rattle snake wrapper Speaker of the House, is determined to throw away Ukraine at the whim of his mentally deranged master.
You didn’t even point out the best part of that post. This guy has an insane amount of projection: “continual hate-filled diatribes and "cutsie" juvenile names.” He actually posted that with his posting history while littering the thread with his lame “too woke” name calling. The lack of self-awareness is hilarious.
The Ukrainians deserve to survive, and so does the US war industry. So it's a win-win for globalists and war hawks. If NATO wants Ukraine to win, keep sending money and start sending troops. If they aren't willing to send troops, stop sending money.
Sportswriters are usually lineral s. What Trump policies does Costas hate? Pro golfers are overwhelmingly for Trump. Same with NASCAR drivers. Ever wonder why? .
Personally, I think the entire suppling funds has been very mismanagement in its presentation. I firmly believe that most people think all this funding is actual dollars being sent to Ukraine, not funds going to approved defense contractors to produce these weapons with the majority if not all US companies.
and when NATO aircraft and Russian aircraft engage in combat, then what? Or a NATO plane gets shot down, or a NATO pilot is captured by Russia? Or if Russian aircraft penetrate NATO airspace to counter NATO planes getting into the fray. Ukraine is more than willing to fight, if some in the US congress would grow a set and provide them with the means.
Russian and NATO aircraft are not going to engage in combat. That is the most absurd thing anyone makes here. Even if Russians fired at our guys, I don't think we would respond with force.
and you know this how? Point being, the insertion of NATO forces of any kind into Ukraine changes the calculus astronomically. Is that a risk you are willing to take?
I bet this back and forth just drives the endorphins ….. and some good feelings! Carry on, it’s fine with me. Understand y’all’s need to do do.
Was the "right" serious about Hillary and Pizzagate Pedophilia? That may be debated, what is not debatable is that most elements of the Right Wing media care little to nothing about facts or accuracy. For the last 30 years it's been a constant stream of lies and B.S. with one goal: False reporting for purposes of character assasination and getting a republican elected. Do both parties do this, OF COURSE, but the right has become polished experts in this regard. Do the words "Project Veritas" ring a bell? BTW I have not seen that "veritas" poster too much lately on the board. LOL
Preaching to the choir as I never said I don't know why. Not going to happen in the first place. Get over yourself.
"another out-of-touch wealthy white elitist who is insulated by the problems of middle-class Americans. He thinks he can tell us how we should live our lives." Sounds like a description of the defeated indicted former president who is once again running for the office and unlike Trump Costas was entirely responsible for his success. He didn't have a father who was worth hundreds of millions of dollars and bailed him out on numerous occasions.