I actually just posted this on the Faux News thread about Trump’s sneakers but glad to see it get its own thread. Nice burn by Costas on the true meaning of what TDS is since so many of his loyal supporters love to throw it out any time his name is mentioned.
Tough choice. A piece of shyte or someone old. Thanks Bob. I noticed he didnt throw out a name that would be universally supported. Of course not. There are drawbacks to every candidate on boths sides. Only one candidate is a dangerous traitor though.
Well, we once elected a president to a second term who was already demonstrating diminished capacity at a much younger 74 years old in 1984. So, the precedent has been set for re-electing a doddering old man. Consequently, I will hold my nose and vote for "not Trump" Biden yet again. At this point, I am far more interested in trying to wrestle the house away from the Republi-ban than the presidency anyway.
That's good TDS-driven comedy .... and raw meat for Too Woke for Swamp Gas sufferers. If that was just an audio and there was no name attached to it, that rant could easily be attributed to any of several dozen folks active on TWFSG. It will be interesting to observe some of the insanity that will follow on this thread. I was thinking about creating a post will all of the inane comments about Trump and republicans on TWFSG, but I think we'll be able to see most of them repeated on this topic for the 6th or 7th time!! Let's go!!
another out-of-touch wealthy white elitist who is insulated by the problems of middle-class Americans. He thinks he can tell us how we should live our lives. Suck it Bob.
We should just never talk about the GOP nominee for president and someone who tried to overthrow the last election when he’s a real threat to get into power again.
I think some pray for just "talk about the GOP nominee" on Too Woke. However, what is experienced on this board is an unhealthy obsession by many that yields continual hate-filled diatribes and "cutsie" juvenile names. But, carry on.
Just more of that gaslighting bullshit: The prohibitive favorite for the GOP nomination for POTUS makes the news, it gets posted and talked about, and somehow that is " TDS". Can't have it both ways. If he were just some wingnut in his mother's basement saying the same things, no one would know and no one would care. It really is not all that complicated. The evangelical zeal with which his followers will defend him is truly remarkable. Any deviation or criticism is blasphemy. If you have an R after your name you are branded a RINO and ostracized from the party. If you have a D after your name, you aren't even a real American. You're an America hating radical commie. If you have neither and R or a D after your name; see "D" above.
Too woke? What exactly are we woke about on here? Love that you’re another one that can’t actually define what it means and just stole it as a catchphrase for anything you don’t like. Lol.
Well, here's one person's (crazy) opinion as to why Biden and why he's able to avoid legal trouble: "A US law professor has bizarrely suggested that Joe Biden and his family may be genetically predisposed to commit crimes, pointing to a distant relative of the president as supposed evidence. In an opinion article for The Hill, Jonathan Turley, an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School, said that the skirting of recent legal troubles by the Bidens was “something of a family trait acquired through generations of natural selection”. "In his article, Mr Turley said that the Biden family were considered a “wonder” in Washington, and that over the years had shown “a legendary skill at evading legal accountability” “Biden family members often marshal political allies and media to kill investigations or cut sweetheart deals… [and] swim in scandal with the ease and agility of a bottlenose dolphin,” he wrote. US law professor suggests Biden is genetically predisposed to commit crimes (msn.com)
"Wokeness" is much like "TDS" .... and the two usually present together .... in as much as neither can be seen by those who've contracted the syndromes.
Fixed it for you. Also keep in mind that CNN has never agreed to a settlement of this nature. Fox, Dominion reach $787M settlement over election claims
Translation: You’ve got nothing. Per usual, the snowflakes on the right who get upset at the slightest criticism of Trump and just shout “woke!” from the mountain tops for anything they disagree with/don’t like can’t actually define the true meaning of the word. Nothing new here.
Was there anything factually incorrect about what Costas said there? Per usual, getting mad at the truth must mean it’s fake news from Trump and his supporters. Lol.