Judge ignored the 4 year mandatory sentencing guidelines and said the time served of 148 days was plenty. He got tossed from the bench for it. this is likely the part that got him fired: “After Adrian threw out Clinton's conviction, Vaughan said that the judge told the court "this is what happens whenever parents allow teenagers to drink alcohol, to swim in pools with their undergarments on," she recounted in an account supported by a court transcript of the January 2022 hearing.“ Illinois judge who reversed rape conviction removed from bench after panel finds he circumvented law
Let’s add this to the pile of nonsense: 'I'm right': Sermon by NC pastor claiming women wearing shorts are to blame for rape goes viral, draws anger If a woman wears shorts she deserves “what she gets” And those of you that live in NC know that 3.5M dollars of your tax money (school vouchers) have gone to the school attached to this church. You good with that?
So what makes him any different from the Taliban? ( other than the book he waves around). Is his proposed solution to tell women they must wear a burka in public since males cannot control themselves at the sight of a woman in shorts (insert garment)?
kind of like the bama judge saying that the people who destroyed embryos would be subject to the wrath of a holy god? if you look around, you will see how many leaders of the far right conservative christian movement closely mimic the taliban in the quest to enforce their fundamentalists beliefs on others.
Looks like he really went out of his way to conduct some personal research. Pastor apologizes for saying he wouldn't convict rapist if woman was wearing shorts He then explained that he decided to do a quick self-study of the mall at one point where he counted the number of women wearing shorts while in a parking lot in the area. “I wanted to see if that's right. And I counted. Try that. You find more women going to those places with shorts than you will women with pants and dresses put together. Try it. If you got time, try it,” he recommended to his congregants before making his rape comment.
Pretty good reason the founding fathers wanted a secular run nation and a secular ideological nation. I know of a few "spots" that have decided to run their nations using religous fundamentalism as its core values: Iran, - hell lets cut to the chase, every country that embraces the Islamic Religon which is the majority of the Middle East, N Africa, the Indonesian Archepeligo and so forth. Does the Israeli / Palestinian Hamas insanity ring a bell? The dark ages? This is what Christian Nationalists have in store for us, right here, in the USA.
There are reasons the founders did not want an official state religion while at the same time allowing people to worship as they see fit. These current fanatics want some kind of fundamentalist christo facism to be the law of the land. They can put that where the sun does not shine.
I get your point, and agree mostly…it sure seems like for the libbies here Christianity is a big ass hot button. With that said….a few libbies here could really use a good old fashioned baptism followed with a confessional.
There are probably some instances parents could have taught their kids better how to stay out of potentially harmful situations, but that doesn’t excuse or lessen the crime of rape in any way or any crime in which children are the victims. Obviously, this judge is way out of line, on multiple counts. He got what he deserved.
I dont see a problem here. The system worked, the judge was removed. There will always be retarded people that slip through the cracks, just need to make sure the system has checks along the way to keep them from causing harm. Having said all that, someone needs to investigate how someone like this gets a Law degree, passes a bar exam and becomes a damn judge. No one knew he was a nutjob? I find that hard to believe.
Is there no way to invalidate the ruling in this case since the judge was removed for this case? If not, the 5th amendment needs to be fixed.
I will let the lawyers speak to that, but I didn’t see anything about the potential of him going back. Maybe it just wasn’t covered.