Seems a pretty basic money/oil laundering scheme less complex than breaking bad car wash. Why is this being ‘permitted’? then add in that Spain is increasing Russian LNG imports while we publicly announce the reduction/ pausing of our LNG exports leaves most to conclude we aren’t really serious about this conflict clearly CNN is trying to get Biden replaced on ticket by Michelle or Gavin The Kremlin has never been richer – thanks to a US strategic partner | CNN India’s complex role in global oil trade is also reflected in the fate of the oil products Russian crude is turned into. Some of the crude is refined into oil products at refineries on India’s western coast, and then exported to the US and other countries signed up to sanctions on Russian oil. Products refined outside of Russia are not covered by sanctions, an omission critics call a “refinery loophole.” The analysis by the CREA estimated the US was the biggest buyer of refined products from India made from Russian crude last year, worth $1.3 billion between early December 2022, when the price cap was introduced, and the end of 2023. The organization’s estimates are based on publicly available shipping and energy data.
The first day of the sanctions Zonknew they'd backfire and doorw harm than good. Oil goes to India, gets repackaged and sold to other countries. India and China benefit, Western Europe feels the pain. Ruble gets stronger
It’s all smoke and mirrors and misdirection and, “Hey look, a squirrel!” Fighting Russia with another countries soldiers and buying from Russia while we do it.
It’s truly predictable and Straightforward. This is how the left fights wars. Let the enemy sell you energy via a proxy at big profit so they can use your money to buy weopons from Iran and china to use against your ‘ally’ Ukraine. Meanwhile asking the voters to give’ more money via taxes to fight this ‘existential’ threat that you are enriching. Meanwhile sitting on hundreds of years of cheap and abundant energy. All in the name of climate change….oh and protecting Poland. those arent my conclusions, those come from Maga CNN
Hilarious that you are blaming this on the left like us grift is just a liberal problem. I can’t take you seriously if you really believe that. that being said, like many things the admin has done with Ukraine, they’ve been way too slow and conservative on how they handle aid to Ukraine and sanctions on international industries critical to Russia.
Per the linked CNN article these are the explicit policies of the current administration. Who else is to blame for The US to continue to buy billions in oil products from Russia while simultaneously claiming Russia is an existential threat. Meanwhile we see 2 years of Russian war capture roughly the distance from cape Canaveral to Orlando against a foe with no Air Force and somehow they are a threat to take Western Europe ? we shut down LNG and Russia sells more. We close refineries and Russia just sends more to India. Which of course we buy at higher rates because energy prices have spiked due to the 500 newer and bestest sanctions on Putin. Meanwhile Per CNN the kremlin has never been more flush with cash. Oh and china gets oil for Pennies on the dollar. Job well done Nice attempt gaslight on the ‘taken seriously’. That’s as impactful as claiming lack of nuance. Yawn
But but but, I thought our sanctions were bringing Putin to his knees. You mean he's never been richer???
These all sound like things Trump will talk about in the debates. Biden will just laugh sarcastically and claim another 100 intelligence officials said Trump is a Russian asset. Problem being this time, people have caught up to the pattern of lies and Biden will get roasted.
Trump a Russian asset? Who would have thought? Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence Trump says he would encourage Russia to ‘do whatever the hell they want’ to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough Trump calls Putin 'genius' and 'savvy' for Ukraine invasion
What’s funny is I don’t blame Joe at all. There is no way he is making meaningful decisions. Guy can’t spell his own name. For better or worse he is not in charge. He’s along for the ride.
First, this is not an “ardent left” admin lol. They are liberal certainly but not exactly dancing with Palestinians in the streets. Second, Russia has only advanced the small distance they have because the western world sent billions in military aid to Ukraine. Had they not, even with Russian incompetence the war would be over already. So claiming they aren’t a threat without mentioning that is pretty foolish. That being said, against modern western equipment they aren’t nearly as worrisome as they used to be. But as of this moment, other than Ukraine, they have by far the largest mobilized military in Europe so the last thing anyone wants is nothing between that and the rest of Eastern Europe.
And yet you’ll probably vote for trump who has maybe even less marbles bouncing around up there than Biden. Have you seen the man speak recently?
oh they are a threat. Some of us have been against Putin since before it was cool. My point was after demonstrating the Russian army was wholly incapable of managing a supply line more Than 50 miles is not a threat to Western Europe. And lastly if you are truly at war with Putin even by proxy you don’t buy billions of oil Products from them. Again per the cnn article.
fully agree on the weak ass sanctions. I’m not sure of the international ramifications but if I was in charge we’d be seizing these ships.
I just think it’s funny you all keep saying that shit about Biden and sure it’s probably true but you’re gonna turn around and vote for the same shit and call yourself smart lol.