This is exactly what I was talking about in that thread on NC. Republicans have completely accepted and normalized the idea that tearing down the basic tenets of this country is not only OK, but necessary to “save” the same country they are slowly weakening.
And these exact same voters are the one yelling loudest about the federal government being too big and how the deficit is out of control. Just more idiocy.
They will need all the money they can raise since they will get no federal money. They can create their own Militia, make all the sovereign laws they want, and more. But no federal aid whatsoever. Hell, they can create a new Utah National Department to interface with the US and other countries as they see fit. They should be forced through customs whenever entering the US, however, so they will probably need Utah passports as well. They will have to follow all US international commerce laws, of course. Probably need to upgrade their airports to international airports. In fact, they better get started now because they have a chitload of work to do.
All fun and games until someone like China, Russia et al decide to bankroll them, put bases there, or sell them arms so they can fight the other states. What could possibly go wrong?
Who’s to say they aren’t already behind these bills? Easy for them to justify the incursions into Ukraine, Taiwan etc if the Federal government intervenes if things get out of hand.
A number of issues against it. One, states are not independently formed outside of the federal government. A "state" only exists insofar as the federal government allows somebody to say that this piece of land is Utah and this piece of land over here is New Mexico. Another issue, related to the first, is that by withdrawing the whole state, you likely bring areas with you and certainly people with you that don't wish to leave the US. Look for the historical examples of dividing countries in the Post-World War II decolonization period to see the disaster that inflicts on people. Three, none of these states actually want to leave the Union, they just don't like it that the Union chose somebody that they didn't to be President and they just want to ignore everybody else while still collecting the benefits of membership in the Union.
I bet they think it sounds good until Mexico annexes them and claims it as part of Mexico and Texan citizens are not alllowed to cross the international border into the USA. Also, enjoy having no U.S. Representatives, Senators, and can’t vote on the U.S. President. And now you are subject to war with the entire USA if you piss U.S. off. And by the way, give us back all our federal military equipment and weapons and we’ll make sure to demolish all our bases in Texas and build new ones in surrounding states with missiles pointed straight at Austin. Barr trade/commerce between USA and Texas and good luck to your new nation.
So why can't all localities in Utah decide for themselves whether they want to be part of Utah? Maybe every person in Utah can decide whether their house is Utah, or Colorado, or their own country.
I was in error I thought Texas had permission to leave when they joined. I was confused what was allowed was them breaking up into four states. I think the thought was to try to keep the balance between free and slave states.
Marco Island has now jumped on the sovereignty train and declared themselves a sanctuary for the bill of rights...smdh Marco Island declares city 'Constitutionally Protected Freedom Zone' Marco Island OKs Bill of Rights sanctuary with new title, moves affordable housing forward J. Kyle Foster Naples Daily News After impassioned comments and debate, Marco Island City Council approved an ordinance giving it authority to make determinations about the U.S. Constitution when its residents question it.On second reading, an updated and retitled ordinance that establishes the City of Marco Island as a "Constitutionally Protected Freedom Zone" was approved Tuesday night by a 6-1 vote. The ordinance includes procedures for residents to file a complaint and be heard by City Council. This ordinance protects our citizens from unlawful federal government overreach,” said Councilman Greg Folley, who proposed the ordinance, which originally proposed calling Marco Island a "Bill of Rights sanctuary city."
This is why I laugh at the idiots in eastern WA, OR, NoCal, etc. that want to break away despite the populous portions of the states paying for 90%+ of their infrastructure.
Logic like that gets you nowhere. Over in the UK, some of the most deprived areas which voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU were also the areas which received the greatest financial support through EU funded projects. The correlation was quite stark. You can't wake someone who is pretending to sleep, eh?