It's a scenario that sends fear into the heart of every Floridian. A black bear, driven into a homicidal rage by crack cocaine (that he probably got from Hunter Biden) breaks into your home and precedes to ravage your belongings, even threatening the lives of your wife and children. Apparently, thanks to PETA and the woke laws of Florida, you are not currently allowed to harm that bear in any way. Fortunately, a state legislator has the guts to stand up to PETA and bears ... Florida cocaine bear bill should lead to Sharknado bill and more
Come on guys you are slacking......not a single poster mentioned it is all about Black bears. White bears seem to have white privilege.
If the gun grabbers on here had there way you would need to hide in your closet and let him have his way with your home a family or fight him with a butter knife. On the other hand chances are they will all die of fentanyl overdose soon anyway.
All I gotta say is if a bear breaks into my house and my dog Spider don't take action while I hide in the closet me and Spider are gonna have words when it is all over.
We’re talking about the ones that are on crack, and they break your door down, and they’re standing in your living room, growling and tearing your house apart,” Oh Lordy - bears on crack Gotta protect the womenfolk I guess. No one to my knowledge has ever gotten in trouble for shooting a bear in their house. FWC manages wildlife in FL anyway. Law is not needed.
Not to be outdone, yesterday South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem signed into law a bill that expands the taking of coyotes from snowmobiles. Loading... | South Dakota Legislature
What is wrong with that? Snowmobiles are a method of transportation for ranchers and farmers in the winter. Really no different than shooting them from a horse.
Nothing is wrong with it, just odd that while Florida is considering expanding one's ability to shoot bears on crack, South Dakota just made it easier to shoot coyotes from snowmobiles. Weird things for legislatures to be considering.
Well, they can't shoot them if the snowmobile is moving, so it's not like it is some game they are playing.
Yeah, I was going to ask that, are there currently laws that say you can't shoot a bear that breaks into your house, is tearing it apart, and growling at you? I guess I should be somewhat concerned that Florida laws may be more relaxed for killing humans than animals.