Did you miss my graph? Measles deaths were dropping through the floor PRIOR to the introduction of vaccine. Also: nobody has ever actually died of the measles.
Yea , I used to live in Weston but have heard certain areas have changed, still upscale community tho. Either way the Manatee Bay area has always been heavily Hispanic, hence the name Westonzuela.
I'm well aware of the history particularly the jenny McCarthy's and autism. . And those educated rich libs as u call them were an extremely small minority. Never met any anti vaxers in Broward, kind of my point. S Americans in Weston tend to be Rs.
I have no idea about the area but the anti vax thing has been going on for a long time. The stupid people just being stupid. Right now it’s the Trumpers who are being the most stupid but bill Maher is spouting similar nonsense and he purports to be a smart liberal.
No scientific evidence of anything to vaccinate for. Yet, the people who resist vaccination are the dumb ones.
I'll take your word on bill maher, not a fan and never listen to him. Anyway, all it takes is a couple of kids not vaxed and you have a potential problem. As for Weston it is nothing like Marin County tho. It's a planned community built in the 80s, population 65k-70k on the edge of the Everglades.
a tad premature don’t you think. What do you think is a more likely source of this outbreak ? An Antivaxx Ft. Lauderdale Maga mom in her Lexus or someone external introduced into the system ?
This is what happens when idiot public health officials try to coerce people to take a drug most do not need. We are reaping the consequences of the damage done by these idiots. And these idiots still advise a 6 month old take the covid shot. The first thing to help get trust back is to stop making idiotic guidance like a 6 month old should take the Covid shot. Until then…we are going to see drugs that have good track records avoided. And even when we finally make sane guidance it is going to take time as the trust has been shattered.
What in the hell is wrong with Florida Republicans that they let this idiot continue as SG? I can already hear the Fox News talking points, "More kids died of measles under Biden then Trump even with the vaccine." Unvaccinated Florida kids exposed to measles can skip quarantine, officials say[
Did any of those illegal invaders get a forced Covid-19 shot when Americans were getting fired for not taking it? That should pique your critical thinking mind at the very least.
Florida defies CDC in measles outbreak, telling parents it's fine to send unvaccinated kids to school
You are correct that idiots have been involved in this debate. You have, however, misidentified which side of the issue the idiots are on.
Uh-oh, brings back dark memories. Remember how those tens of thousands of Spring Breakers collapsed and died on Florida beaches in 2020 ?
When you make this claim, you keep leaving out an important part of the thought: “No scientific evidence of anything to vaccinate for, according to me.”
No, according to the tenets of virology, from the perspective of people who can read and don’t draw paychecks as virologists. Did you read the analysis of the Enders paper ?
I have read many of the things you’ve sent to me regarding the non-existence of viruses. I have also done a lot of my own research on viruses, as you have advised. But my views are entirely beside the point. If you look at any general biology textbook, you will find a treatment of viruses. So while this appears to be a true statement: There is evidence of viruses according to duggers dad. This also is a true statement: There is evidence of viruses according to most experts in the biological sciences.