I just sounded a cautionary tone, about vaccination by force, and got a disagree bacon from a poster who probably ordinarily inveighs against authoritarian regimes overseas.
How are we making sure that everyone coming in here in abject poverty through the southern border is properly vaccinated if it's so important?
They get an exemption. Also, remember how BLM marchers achieved immunity via a blessing from George Floyd after he ascended to heaven ?
The part that confounds me the most is that they will rail against being injected with a vaccine based on an inactivated (attenuated) virus, yet willingly and proudly get infected by replication competent virus and suffer all of the effects of serious disease as a result.
We are not and FWIW, we (or any other country to my knowledge) don’t do it for anyone entering the country - legally or illegally.
Stop paying your taxes, and see what happens. This country was never 100% do whatever the hell you want, there are requirements for any country to function. The constitution allows the executive to draft men, and once drafted, can be ordered to kill or be killed. Is that Tyranny? Because they think it's all some conspiracy or some BS. Ironically, the antivax crowd started on the extreme left and migrated to the right. Both groups are extremely dumb. Not sure how to coexist with them, but their voices are too high when most people fall in the middle somewhere where compromise is possible. The extreme hippy population believe the body is perfect and there is some herb that will cure anything, and the conservatives like to 'man up' and let it take it's course. No compromise with these groups, it's all or nothing.
One of my favorite Jon Stewart TDS episodes was one where he skewered the liberals of Marin County (one of the richest in the US) over their anti-vax stance. Ironically this was over a measles outbreak about a decade ago. Absolute gold! Les Measlesrables - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart | Comedy Central US
Bring us your tired, yout poor, you tuberculosis, leprosy, hepatitis, AIDS, Chagas, measels, hepatitis, leprosy, leprosy,, etc. Would be nice to have these future Democrats properly screened at the border. L
I’m in the smaller company of those who are still waiting for proof of anything to vaccinate for. It’s not cost:benefit with me but rather the refusal to participate in what I regard as a delusion.
The first antivaxxers were the educated rich liberals. It’s only with Covid did antivax become a trumpist stupid idea.
Bizarre, given that Trump claimed credit for the vaccine and still claims to have saved millions with it.
Not how I remember it. The first anti-vaxxer's I remember were either illiterate or parents of autistic kids.
Vax-clingers have been cruel to parents of autistic kids concerned that vaccines might have played a part.
I live in Weston, and I remember when my kids went to schools here it was mandatory for them to have the MMR vaccine. The Sentinel today reported that 11% of the kids at Manatee Bay did not receive the vaccine. It’s amazing that the anti-vaxers have been so loud that they have literally caused a disease, which functionally no longer existed, to resuscitate.
For COVID, I agree. More needed to be done before certain groups be mandated. Science was not followed. But for the MMR vaccine that has been around for decades and 90% of the population has taken, there is plenty of proof.