School district figures show that 86 students out of nearly 1,100 at Manatee Bay are not vaccinated against measles, CBS Miami reported. The U.S. has set targets of 95% coverage with measles vaccine. Federal data has shown a large drop in vaccinations and record levels of vaccine exemptions among kindergarteners nationwide. Florida measles outbreak revs fears as cases begin to add up in US
Saw this earlier, a bit surprising as Weston is an upscale community in West Broward. Manatee Bay does serve a large South American expat (Venezuelan) enrollment, which may or may not be a factor. Hopefully just some random cases triggered by an unvaccinated kid/adult.
Can we just designate some place in Idaho for all the nimrod anti-vaxxers to go? They can infect each other to their heart's context while the rest of us enjoy life without measles.
It’s not that simple. Sure measles will get the unvaccinated but also some of the vaccinated too, especially immunocompromised, plus a small percentage who are not able to get the vaccine due to medical reasons. The vaccine isn’t 100% effective at preventing infection but if enough people are vaccinated it can’t spread due to herd immunity. Unlike with Covid’s short incubation period, measles has a longer incubation period such that a strong enough herd immunity can basically wipe the disease out.
I'm starting to wonder if I got the measles, and then took the vaccine when I was young ... or... I took the vaccine and then got the measles. I can't quite remember that detail.
need a bigger state. How about Alaska? Not only plenty of space for anti-vax pep rallies, but they can see Russia from there.
We had things like measles under control until the anti-vax movement got out of control, especially during and after Covid. There have always been idiots against vaccines, but they were much fewer and farther between. Such a shame that we have proven medicine to prevent these outbreaks from happening and it still happens because of ignorance.
Before covid Jenny McCarthy was one of the leading anti-vaxxer voices and I would have pegged the stereotype anti-vaxxer as the affluent ultra-lib housewife that found a “natural healing” group on Facebook. So it’s actually not that surprising. There were some Measles outbreaks in LA before COVID with similar circumstance. I can oniy imagine we’ll see more of this going forward.
We’re bound and determined to make life for Africans even harder. Starving Africans could probably do with a little food.
There should be debate on which vaccines are mandatory or not, but once that is decided by society, it should be enforced. Lives are at stake, and it has secondary and tertiary effects across generations with some of these diseases. Beyond stupid to not want an inactive virus injected but then they breath in hydrocarbons from exhaust as they commute to Mickey D's to get a Big Mac in a recycled container loaded with chemicals. Smart...
One of the reasons that all kids should be vaccinated is to protect those that are immunocomprimised and/or cannot be vaccinated. It's a form of herd immunity.