Didn’t know much about him until the announcement. Here’s a link to his bio from the UF sports information site: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiMr-uLv7qEAxWP5ckDHaThBSAQFnoECBEQAQ&url=https://floridagators.com/staff-directory/tyler-miles/3199&usg=AOvVaw1x2x4T0-bJoyKb4_Tp3zk_&opi=89978449
This will give us continuity and make for a smooth transition. I am optimistic (so I don't mind optimistic ratings .)
From what I know about the program, Tyler Miles was, by far, the best selection from an in house direction and point of view. Only time will tell, as it always does. Regardless, It is Great to be A Florida Gator!
Way too late in the year to have acquired anyone else I think. Seems to have had a lot of experience. I hope he brings out the puke buckets.
Northwestern State University as an assistant strength coach (2019), the University of Tennessee as a strength and conditioning intern (2018) and the University of South Carolina as a strength and conditioning intern (2017). From what I could find. Bounces around a lot it would seem.
Or…continues to gain experience, learn, and progress up the S&C career ladder…pretty rapid and impressive climb, actually.
Not the dreaded “players choice”… 2nd only to the “players only meeting “ on “death of a program “ watchlist
In before the "he's to young and inexperienced" crowd takes over this thread. I have a feeling that the players that want him know exactly what it feels like to gain real physical... noticeable strength gains in the gym. Some of you like comparing dissimilar situations from the past. I like this hire.