No Words… Thank you to all who have served/are serving/will serve this Great Nation! You just can’t describe the feeling as you walk these grounds!
No offense because I know no harm was meant, but I always wonder about taking smiling pictures at sites like that. Amazing place though. If you’re up here now there is snow coming tomorrow night. At least out here in the western suburbs.
No offense taken. The Men and Women of this Great Nation fought so we can have differing viewpoints. I got there before the school and just walked. It was drizzling after it had just snowed some. Powerful!
I don't think you care, but as mentioned in another thread, you leave a lot of open source info about yourself. You've listed your daughter's name in another thread and in this thread, you linked your YouTube channel which is your name. Looking at your screen name, it's not hard to make the leap that your channel is indeed your name, being Qgator and all. Be careful, there are crazies on the interwebz. Thanks, Justin (lol)
People have repeatedly cautioned him about this. He is either unaware of what's out there, doesn't care or is one of those "can't possibly happen to me or mine" types. The horse has been led to water, but he just stares at it oddly.
I only use YouTube to upload videos too big to send. So if a I have a channel it is news to me lol. That said. If you want the highest quality Dental Care possible (Beyond just Dentistry…Integrative)… Maybe some here can finally understand the “Q” and stop the ignorant association some try to make? Not you.
Another sad Ad Hominem… Really sad that someone would consider Arlington National Cemetery a troll post. But those who died and represented here fought for your right to be like this.
Words really can’t explain the feeling as Taps played. Powerful/Special/Meaning/Tranquil/ could go on and on… How Did 'Taps' Originate? | HISTORY Such a special moment. I truly hope my friends here can take in the moment and feel it!
Visited that site, and even as a ten year old kid, it was a moving experience. The USS Arizona Memorial had a similar feel to it. There are no words.
The Arizona is the most surreal experience for so many reasons, the oil bubbling up, the boat ride out there that kind of immerses you in the surroundings, being able to see the ship and not just imagine it, and then sharing that whole experience with all the Japanese tourists. I was there in 1993. And while we were out at the memorial, a special small boat came with a veteran and 2 escorts, I’ve always assumed it was an Arizona survivor. Which made the whole day even more memorable and sobering. He stood by the wall of names and our entire group gave him space, I think they all sensed what it was. Not that I ever could have bothered him and felt ok with myself, but man I do wish I could have heard his story or at least known who he was so I could find his story online later.
My family and I were on the Arizona memorial when a Japanese Naval Ship came into the harbor. They had all of their sailors on deck in full military dress, they were all standing at attention and saluting on deck. It was pretty impressive.