Everyone being vague… House Intel Chairman announces ‘serious national security threat,’ sources say it is related to Russia | CNN Politics
Weird timing on their part if true since like 20% of the country is currently in the "yay Russia" camp
Apparently Mike Turner is not a member of the Cult of the Donald when it comes to aid to Ukraine. One of the few Republicans in the House who is not one of Putin's boys (or girls). ‘We have to get this done’: A top House Republican pushes for Ukraine aid, stat
Russia used a Zircon hypersonic cruise missile for the first time in recent strike, Ukraine claims | CNN
Damn.... can't get the bumbling, senile, bought and paid for worthless empty suit out of the WH fast enough. Prolly gonna start WW III because that dip shit is in office, and we simply cant remove him fast enought. Not to mention that we actually, literally, go from dumb to dumber, with Kamala Harris. Thanks y'all. What's a little WW III action, against those nuclear mean tweets that y'all spared us from...
maybe attempting to further influence the maga sect within the House before they vote on aid to Ukraine? Maga is already close to openly befriending Putin
I thought that we got the bumbling, senile, bought and paid for worthless empty suit out of the WH in January 20, 2021.
Obviously you were grotesquely wrong. The drooling on his bib idiot is the one y'all put INTO office on January 20, 2021--which is evidenced by Bidenflation, Afganhistan, Russo-Urkrainian war, Israeli-Palensininan war, other rumblings and overtures of global insecurity, and of course, our own southern border being penetrated more than all the whore of New Orleans during all the mardi gras's over the past 150 years combined......
But but but.. Russia have been using their best assets and are getting whipped by Ukraine. You mean they have an unstoppable cruise missile? Who knew!?
REading up on the Zircon a bit, color me skeptical until we learn more. Russia's claims on its capabilities seem too good to be true. And if they have accomplished what no other military has been able to do (scramjet powered and guided at mach 9) well, I'd be shocked. The plasma bubble touted to make it impossible to detect also make it impossible for it to communicate - i.e., guide. An estimated $10m/ea for hitting apartment buildings doesn't sound very cost effective anyways.
Saw a report about Russia planning to put nukes in orbit. I'd say they already have them there. Nukes in orbit ups the ante significantly in terms of delivery time and EMP issues.
Apparently you have a very selective memory. Bidenflation? Who pressured Saudi Arabia to reduce oil production in 2020? Don't think it was a Joe Biden. Arguably while it may have helped save domestic oil producers it was also responsible for $5.00 a gallon gas at the pump when the economy bounced back in 2021 and 2022 after the Covid lockdowns. I suppose Biden was responsible for the supply chain problems that contributed to the inflation and although a number of Republicans were opposed to them keep in mind that Trump also supported the covid related tax rebates that may have contributed to inflation. In fact, Trump originally threatened to veto the legislation because the payments weren't large enough and signed the bill after they were increased. Trump signs coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law after lengthy delay | CNN Politics Trump told Saudis: Cut oil supply of lose U.S. military support Afghanistan? Which president decided to reduce the troop level in Afghanistan to 2,500 against the advice of his own generals a number insufficient to provide security for an orderly withdrawal from the country? Which president promised to withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan by May 1, 2021? Which president pressured the then government of Afghanstan to release over 5,000 Taliban prisoners including a number designated as terrorists? Which president didn't even allow the then government of Afghanistan to have a seat at the table while he was negotiating the US retreat from the country with the Taliban? Since all of the above occurred in 2020, I don't think it was Joe Biden? Defying Peace Deal, Freed Taliban Return to Battlefield President Trump's Disgraceful Peace Deal with the Taliban Trump ordered rapid withdrawal from Afghanistan after election loss The Russo-Ukraine war? Would have happened no matter what. Putin made it clear that Ukraine should be reincorporated into Russia and he would have invaded in any event. The difference is if Trump was in office at time Ukraine would have received little US aid, Ukraine would have been defeated within months and Volodymyr Zelenskyy would have ended up dead, in exile or in a Russian penal facility with a Russian puppet residing in the presidential palace in Kyiv. Keep in mind that Trump referred to Putin as a genius for his decision to invade Ukraine and if there was any doubt as to what Putin's puppet with the orange complexion would have done Trump made his feeling regarding the role of the US perfectly clear a couple of days ago. Trump calls Putin 'genius' and 'savvy' for Ukraine invasion
And we're putting him back in for another four just to piss you off. I read somewhere that if you look through a snow globe things appear better. Sounds stupid, I know, but it might be worth a try.