Chromosome pairing. I'm not declaring my skin color. I'm declaring my race. I'm black/African-American.
Except for twins, each chromosome pairing is unique. Billions of people. No room for the chance that some are trans? And speaking of chromosomes, you can check for African ancestry at 23 and Me, or similar businesses.
And in each human, there exists a varying amount of melanin. I'm not sure what your point is. I've already done the ancestry site and I do have African descendants in my lineage. They tested my DNA.
Black is a skin color classification. African heritage is genetic. Many non-black people have an African genetic background. Doesn't make you black. As for trans, still wondering why in the billions of genetic codes out there, you believe there aren't any true trans people?
1. Four people over a period of numerous years really is not alarming. 2. There are strong doubts that the Colorado Springs shooter is actually a member of the LGBTQ+ community. That person ran a Neo-Nazi website, used anti-LGBTQ and racist slurs, and posted images online implying that they'd attack a Gay Pride event. They might be claiming to be non-binary as strategy to beat the hate crime charges. Regardless, non-binary is not the same thing as transgender. 3. I don't believe that they've confirmed all three of the other shooters were transgender. (And I'm certainly not taking Benny Johnson's word for it.) But again, three shooters over a 5ish year period really isn't a big deal. Nearly all mass shootings are carried out by cisgender men. FACT FOCUS: No 'incredible rise' in transgender shooters Majority of US mass shooters are cis men, not transgender or non-binary people
Seems like an appropriate line of thought for righties: Let's reduce school shooting, not with gun restrictions, but with laws picking on trans people.
Question for the experts, has a post-surgery trans changed their sex or gender? If a biological males identifies as a woman and submits himself to a full sex change, is it then impossible for the post-surgery her to identify a man?
Why the hell do you care? Does this affect you or your life in any way whatsoever? You have enough issues. How about you keep your nose out of other people's underwear and worry about yourself?
Yet another tranny thread, yet another tranny shooting … Shooter at Joel Osteen's Church Was Transgender Immigrant With a Political Message on 'Her' AR-15
Lakewood Church shooter was mentally troubled, consistently identified as female, police say This is an update from your own link: "Our shooter is identified by a driver's license as Genesse Moreno, 36 years old, Hispanic female. There are some discrepancies — we do have reports she used multiple aliases, including "Jeffrey Escalante," so she has utilized both male and female names. But through all of our investigation to this point, talking with individuals, interviews, documents, Houston Police Department reports she has been identified this entire time as female — she/her. And so we are identifying her as Genesse Moreno, Hispanic female."She apparently used the male name to commit fraud.
Actually "trannies" are much more likely to be shooting victims than shooters with the perpetrators almost always being males who are probably insecure regarding their sexuality not unlike some homophobic Christians who turn out to be gay or bisexual. Fatal Violence Against the Transgender and Gender Expansive Community in 2022 List of people killed for being transgender
Oh yay! Another enlightened white libby telling ppl who's black and who's not! Can't tell a woman from a man, but damn sure think they know who's black and who ain't! LOL!
I cannot believe you can't follow the logic! If you have male genitals but you CHOOSE you are a girl that is ok. If you are pregnant and CHOOSE to terminate, that is ok, well as long as you CHOOSE when we think that is ok. If you are white and CHOOSE to identify as black that is not ok. Life is about choices, you are allowed to CHOOSE some but not others, based on what WE tell you that you are allowed!! It's hard to follow what we can and cannot CHOOSE but I'm trying to learn the way!
I think where people get lost is when it comes to asking questions to try to understand what folks are actually talking about, and they don't get useful answers in return. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS