Thank the GOP. The only reason Biden is running for a second term is that Donald Trump is the candidate. Trump is the one person who can lose to Biden. Thanks GOP.
Biden does not have a choice. He is being forced out by the Obama deep state. He is no longer useful because even the drugs cannot hinder his dementia. You will see them trot him out more and more now. No more hiding his weaknesses to the public. He must go, because he has zero shot to win. On the other hand, Trump is never leaving the race unless they take him out. Everyone is picking Newsome as the guy to take on Trump, but will Newsome fall in line with the Obama regime? That seems to risky, which is why it will be the racist Michelle Obama. That would give Barry his 4th term and maybe 5th term. I don't think many here understand how big a deal the border situation is to the voter no matter what side of the aisle you come from. Many here mocked the cost to build a wall, but has now cost us so much more financially letting millions upon million stream across the border. That's just a fact. This election is about the border and the struggle of the middle & low wage earner. Black, brown and white have had enough. They want the border shut down and the illegals deported. They only believe one man can get that done.
Do people really believe this nonsense? PSA: If your car was equipped with automatic door locks and you disabled that feature, it's past time to re-enable it. Consult your owner's manual. The manual will likely be available online if you misplaced yours.
The majority of the senate is Democrat. Twenty-four governors are Democrats. The current VPOTUS is Democrat. In your mind it is the GOP's fault not one of them is a good enough candidate to beat Trump? It's the GOP's fault that the best candidate the Democrats can offer is someone who has been legally acknowledged as mentally incompetent to be charged with a crime?
QUIT MAKING SHIT UP. Nothing, anywhere, in any report has suggested he's not competent to stand trial.
So didn't you create this exact same OP just 2 months ago? Instead of people $hitting all over Biden, the folks that want to ensure Trump is not elected need to start pumping the only current alternative who actually has a chance to beat him. Dems eating their own will be a great way to get Trump elected.
Maybe, but if he did so he would risk alienating Evangelical Christians a core Republican constituency that will not accept anything less than an extremely hard line absolutist position on abortion. Although they wouldn't have voted for Beshear they may have just decided to stay home rather than vote at all.
Honestly believe Harris would do better. Biden is going to continue to slide due to his lack of mental acuity. You put Harris in that seat now and then market her as keeping Biden's vision alive. You then have a fresher, younger face, a woman and someone who can still hold the line in a debate. The best thing the Dems can do is remove Biden now (showing responsibility) and give Harris that platform to run from. You may think Harris is too unpopular, but I'd bet money she'd get more votes than Biden if we were able to run the simulation on the two scenarios. People aren't going to vote for a guy who can't even remember the day his son died. It's only going to get worse.
Both Biden and Trump should step aside. Biden won't because Trump controls the Republican party and Trump won't because becoming president is the only way for him to stay out of jail. So America is stuck.
Michelle Obama, Newsom or anybody else except Harris will not happen. Chain of command. Breaking it would be used against the Dems and besides, they won't do it. Hell, the Dems won't force Biden out. You think they're going to force #1 AND #2 out? Some of you all must be new to politics. Fairy tale land. It's going to be Biden. If the Dems wake up, it'll be Harris.
Do you seriously suggest Trump is proud of America? Most democrats I know love this country and are proud of it it, but ashamed of Trump and the people who enable and support him.
Of all the posts I've seen, this is the weirdest. What's with this Obama deep state nonsense? I guess its because he was a man of color, and some just can't abide him because of that.... thus the Make America Great AGAIN.
Yep, Obama now leading the deep state is a new conspiracy for me. Did the deep state hold an election I missed?
An example of Obama’s “Deep State”. Compare and contrast with trump calling Barr “his Attorney General”.