I’ve never been a big fan of him running at this age, although by all accounts he seemed mentally competent. But given the remarks by the investigator in his documents report, Biden should bow out of the primary, now, before it’s too late. How did we get here? A delusional crazy person vs a partially senile opponent? It’s so depressing. I’ll vote for Biden over Trump, but that’s only because Trump is that bad. Perhaps Biden could make a deal with Trump - Biden drops out with an agreement that Trump drops out, and Trump is pardoned of all charges - after the Republican nomination.
Totally agree. I’d vote for a sane Republican like Haley or Christie over Biden. It support any reasonable Democrat over him. This is a disaster. However if it leads Biden to back out then perhaps for the best. I don’t expect that to happen, but I won’t be totally shocked if it does.
I disagree. It is pretty much Trump vs anti Trump, assuming the D is not over the top liberal or has baggage / personally unpopular (Harris)
agree. I want 2 different candidates for both. Trump is Trump. He has psychological issues and isn’t going anywhere. But I don’t get why Biden doesn’t step aside.
The Capital should be moved to Vegas. Just remember, it is your money they are gambling with and your grandchildren they are screwing at the bunny ranch. They are all in this together. It’s WWE in blue suits and red ties.
Nah, they really aren't. And for all the WWE-like theater, the stakes are real and matter. The shit they do hurts folks. So you can play this "both sides is the same" bullshit. But the simple fact is women are suffering and dying because of the bullshit the Republicans have done. It ain't a game. Delayed and denied: Women pushed to death's door for abortion care in post-Roe America Texas woman almost dies because she couldn't get an abortion | CNN Did an Abortion Ban Cost a Young Texas Woman Her Life?
Sadly, the precedent was set in the 1980's when an already deteriorating Ronald Reagan won re-election and by the middle of his second term was no longer in control of his faculties, nor the country.
So for the sake of argument, if Biden were to step aside who from the D party would be a viable candidate to oppose Trump or another GOP nominee (like THAT is going to happen lol). Newsome is a no, Kamala, no. Buttigieg , while he may do a great job, not sure the general electorate is ready for a gay president. Bueller?
We have somehow managed to come up with two of the worst candidates imaginable, and puzzlingly we’ve managed to do so despite the fact that most Americans seem to agree that’s true.
It simply isn't an option. If Biden stepped aside, there would be only two paths: (1) Kamala Harris or (2) an absolute shitshow of a primary that likely destroys the party's chance of winning.