I would live in New Zealand, Australia, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and the Nordic countries to name a few. Would live in the Caribbean as well.
No, I'll take it up with you, who are either too dishonest or too dumb to understand that saying 'Other countries are better than the US' doesn't mean 'the US isn't a great country at all'.
Let’s be clear here. I do not have a problem with the results and don’t find anything alarming in them since 1) it does not say what you claim, and 2) there is a lot of ambiguity in the questions. I DO have a problem with your disingenuous take on the results though. Poll: 36% of Democrats responded: “Other countries are better than the U.S.” You: “36% of Dems think the US is not a great country at all.” These statement are not the same and any basic logical analysis would tell you that.
Yeah, these people pretending it didn't exist while Trump was president cracks me up ... here's a 2018 article ... Donald Trump's making the migrant caravan a political issue. Here are the facts. | CNN Politics
LOL. I don't know what to say. If you think the US was a great country then vote that way. 36% obviously don't. Again, you can be all mad about it but doesn't change that it's true. Like I said this board shows 36% sounds about right...
If 36% of D's thought the US was a great country then they would've voted that way. Since they didn't, 36% think the US isn't a great country at all. Take a lap.
I put him on ignore. It’s not disagreeing with my position that infuriates me it’s the obvious trolling.
Greatness isn’t exactly exclusive to Elon Musk. Doctors, lawyers, and engineers (which are seen as high end professions) bust their butt and “struggle.” Struggling is normal. What’s not normal is being content with being a government moocher your entire life. Any person that is in a state of perpetual dependence their entire life who has lived their entire life in America is disabled in some way, is complacent being that way, made some pretty poor decisions in their life, or some combination of the three. There is no way around that. You don’t have to be a trust fund baby or go to college to be successful in America. There are two types of people who disagree with that and only two: 1) People born into privilege (be it born into wealth, God-given intelligence, athleticism, skill or some combination of them; and people born to parents with friends in high places) who feel guilty for their success and privilege. 2) people who want to blame everyone for their failures except themselves.
I should probably do the same, but every once in a while he agrees with me on something. That's really valuable for self-reflection to help me understand where my thinking must be wrong.
See, I love the rationalizing of the poll. I'm in the middle so I don't have a horse in the game but you guys have shown that the poll is indeed correct.
Just one question. If American is a great country (and I believe that it is) why is it necessary to make it great again. The MAGA slogan implies that America was Great in the past but it isn't anymore and considering that backers of the defeated former president and his supporters were still using the slogan in 2020 apparently he did nothing to make the country great again during his four years in office. Trump at November 2020 MAGA rally. Although clearly not the intent, the hat is an indication that although he had four years to do so he clearly failed to Make America Great Again during his term in office. .
Greatest is not the same as great. Thinking there are one or more countries that are better in some measure than the US does not mean one believes the US isn’t great.
LOL. Let’s do a quick overview of my “hard right” positions: I am for stringent gun regulations including banning Assault weapons and a national registry. I want a 24 week abortion compromise. Want nationalized insurance Never voted for trump I know, so far right LOL.