I’m not a liberal (except in the classic sense of the word), and I don’t think the interview by Carlson is intrinsically treasonous. But I do think he’s probably the wrong guy to do it. I don’t think he will ask any challenging questions that put Putin on the defensive. And I think he will let Putin say whatever he wants. I just don’t think that’s journalism. That’s propaganda. But I will watch it just to see.
Well, when you are a guy that was literally caught red-handed knowingly propagating lies to a mass audience— that he told his superiors he was doing — and those lies ran at the heart of dividing our country, you lose the right to have the benefit of the doubt (or to ever be cast as a ”journalist” ever again).
Letting Putin speak unfiltered will be educational for many of you. After you hear what he says try to point out the propahanda and lies. Then others will be free to challenge your take. The Duran may be the most popular foreign policy podcast in the world. If Americans had been listening to The Duran for the last 2 years they wouldn't have been fooled by the lies about the war told to us by the media:
ugh another 20 min youtube video of some influencer-seeking guy from his basement promoting conspiracy theories.
You know I would be inclined to believe the rumors of impending Russian victories in the field if we ever saw any … or if they weren’t about to happen “any day now” for the last year. Russia has lots of advantages. Russia should be winning easily. Why aren’t they winning at all, never mind easily?
The Media Bias fact check wasn't totally unfair. . The claim thaThe Duran promotes Russian propaganda isn't a negative to me. Propaganda can simply be Putin making factual statements and logical arguments in an attempt to persuade and counter US neocon and media lies. Nothing wrong with that. The Duran is labeled "far-right," but what does that mean these days? Anyone who wants secure borders, less deficit spending and no neocon wars will be labeled right-wing. The Duran got the war right from the beginning.. If you come across a single Russian or Putin lie that the Duran promoted I'd like tell me. Zelensky and world media lies about Ukraine are of course almost too numerous to count. The fact check org you cited isn't that bad compared to almost all the other. Thanks for trying to be fair rivergator
Putin is slapping Lil' Tucky around like he does Trump. Giving him half hour long answers to his questions so he just has to sit there with a Labrador look on his dumb face. Putin is also lobbing insults at him for good measure like mentioning Tucker failing to get into the CIA.
Conveniently obscured by Biden emergency presser... Huh...what could Putin possibly say that has the American Left shitting their britches so? That's a serious question. Seems to me Putin has run do much bullshit, he's discredited himself wholly. TCs interview is merely of academic interest to me. To most. ....and yet, the Left is petrified.
We are amused by the right wing media darling who has been a public Putin lap dog actually living it up…in Russia. As if we needed any more proof.
He’s killed people abroad, unprovoked, and he started an unnecessary war. That does not endear many people to a person.