His wasn’t a serious response of course. It never is. But you are correct. Phony outrage created by manipulators for the gullible. And it obviously worked.
Not surprising at all considering that Trump is entirely transactional although it does appear that he has angered some of his supporters in the process, not that it will make any difference in the end. They may be a little butt hurt but they're still going to support him both in the Republican primary campaign and definitely in the general election. Conservatives lash out at Donald Trump for defending Anheuser-Busch
Interesting that a company in Alachua County FL is listed as donating $250K - $500K to trump. OK droogies, you know what to do.
Can't believe it took this long for AB InBev to realize they could just scratch a small bribe check to stop some of the bleeding. What a clown Trump is.
In Trump's defense (and can't believe I'm saying that) but thats pretty much politics across the board. You want a politician to help your business, cut em a check. And vice versa. If a politician helps you beforehand, guess who is calling you for a donation next time around? Also @Tjgators still claims Trump isn't bought and paid for.
i was just about to post his 'truth' and give him credit for sticking up for them. Caring about their families etc. Then i saw this.....
The sad thing is that his post did contain a number of very good reasons to continue to support the company, but lo and behold that wasn't his actual motivation.
Trump was funding his own campaign and received very little in the way of donations from special interests . . . until around June of 2016.
agree - but for some $, he is going directly against his following. Like if Biden started sticking up for the NRA.
I was calling him a clown for his abuse of our beautiful language. That tweet would get my 10 yr old daughter a failing grade in English class.
I'd be curious what percent of BL drinkers are Dems vs Repubs. The only people in my life I can think of that drink American Lagers are republican friends