Liberals probably are morel likely to identify themselves as having some form of mental illness primarily because are more likely to realize that they may have psychological problems and are more likely to seek treatment; self-identified conservatives on the other hand especially those that support the defeated indicted former president probably are just as likely to have problems as liberals maybe even more so but do not seek treatment because they consider themselves perfectly normal kind of like the guy that they worship.
Libbies are more likely to have mental illness and therefore more likely to identify it as their lives spiral. There is nothing more to it. End of story.
From Northeastern University: Trump voters report worse mental health than Biden supporters, study finds However, when broken down between those who voted for the former and the current president, those who supported the Republican were less likely to report they now have better mental health, but not general health, than their counterparts who voted for the current president. Among Trump voters, only 7 percent reported better mental health since the 2020 election, compared to 23 percent of Biden supporters.From an article published in Scientific American by a forensic psychiatrist: The 'Shared Psychosis' of Donald Trump and His Loyalists | Scientific American From an article published by the Imperial College Business School Neuroticism, deprivation and racial bias: Trump’s unique authoritarian appeal From a psychological perspective, people living in regions that voted for Trump in both elections have higher levels of neuroticism, a personality trait characterised by negative emotions such as anxiety, fear and anger. Those who have higher levels of neuroticism agree with statements such as “I see myself as someone who worries a lot” and as someone who feels “depressed, blue”. But circumstantial factors were also at play: people in poorer areas were more likely to vote for Trump, as were white voters and those prone to anti-Black racial bias.One more: Trump supporters who won’t accept the election result are suffering from collective narcissism
Being high IQ does not protect against being manipulated by garbage being fed to you. Nazi Germany was an intelligent nation. It did not help them just as high IQs and education aren’t helping our country. In fact high IQs and degrees can make a people more prideful and arrogant, and that pride and arrogance can be the weakness that opens them up to manipulation. There are people in Iran, China, Nazi Germany, Russia, and North Korea who can solve complex differential equations. That does not help them, but keep going on thinking a high IQ protects your tribal group. It does not.
I love how this thread has devolved into each side accusing the other of having greater degrees of mental illness. My view is that if you are so drastically impacted over the state of politics that you become ill, it might be a sign to take a step back from following politics. Additionally, and I suppose this follows, while you all fight over which party causes more mental degradation, I shall revel in the freedom of being an independent.
So the nation is safer and better off with a majority of unintelligent and under-educated citizens? Bless your heart.
At the risk of arguing with someone who can't understand logic or math, we had "massive" inflation because getting a vaccine for Covid and producing and distributing it in mass quantities was extremely expensive. And that spending started under Trump and continued under Biden. (You do have to give Trump some extra credit for postulating some cheaper solutions to Covid, like direct injection of bleach into the victims and consumption of horse pills and aquarium tank cleaning pills.) The spending either had to be done, or we had to accept that 5-10% of the population was going to die. The inflation was not massive compared to the 1970's and early 80's, where it was greater than 10% for several years (the inflation from Covid peaked at 8.6% in 2021). Excess gov't spending and/or insufficient GDP (economic activity & exports) is what drives inflation. In the 70's, it was a decade of spending on the Vietnam war, combined with the arms race with the Soviets and the new spending on welfare benefits, and the gradual increase in payments to people on Social Security. All that was combined with a weak economy that got hammered in '73 by the oil embargo and slipped into "malaise" under Carter.
I got to admit. I am surprised you fell this bad for the propaganda. And you want to throw a jab about understanding logic and math. Just wow! And to say that today…Wow! Even fauci has never made such a ridiculous claim…
No, I never said that. Intelligence is not a bad thing. It is a good thing, but there are intelligent people who are manipulated and there are intelligent people who are not. The question then is not, “Oh, OK then how can we be as unintelligent as possible?” No there are unintelligent people who are manipulated too. The question then is if intelligence is not the attribute that guards us from being manipulated then what attribute does? Wisdom is the name of the attribute that matters here. Wisdom and an IQ test are not the same thing. They are different. A person can be unintelligent by societal standards, but incredibly wise. A person can also be incredibly intelligent, but also incredibly unwise.
To your first point, that's fair. I'll acknowledge my strawman above. The rest is word salad. First off, everyone capable of functional thought is manipulated. Intelligence is an ill-defined construct. People with psychological intelligence (inter/intrapersonal) are likely less easily manipulated. Your original suggestion, though, was about intelligent people being manipulated due to pride and arrogance. People who are more susceptible to having garbage fed to them are ___________ intelligent than others? In terms of avoiding being taken by propaganda, I'd suggest the importance of critical thinking skills.
Geez. The whole “your side is dumber” .. “your side has more mental problems” … doesn’t accomplish anything but more insults back and forth.
The number 5-10% comes from places like Italy, that had so much Covid that 5-10% of their early patients that caught Covid were dying once the hospitals in Italy were overwhelmed with patients. No one knew how to treat Covid, and people were dying from it. I'm sorry you can't understand that.
Bruh, Trump wasn't even on the ballot in Nevada, and the Republicans voted for "None of these candidates" over Nikki Haley. It ain't Democrats who are the problem.