Oh that’s great. And between Lasso and Fleabag isn’t a bad descriptor. That reminds how much I liked Fleabag. And that reminds me how much I like Catastrophe, which perhaps falls between Colin and Fleabag.
Had not heard of Catastrophe but I bet my wife has. It's 98% on RT. If she has not seen it, will certainly give it a shot. But I know she's seen a lot of stuff with Sharon Horgan who we saw in Bad Sisters. But thanks. Also loved Fleabag
TD season 1 was amazing IMO. Not so much seasons 2 and 3 although entertaining. May have to give season 4, episode 1 a try. Some reviews I have read are a bit "so-so". Some of the reviews suggest that Jodi Fosters character may be a bit over the top.
Tried episode 1 and I REALLY like Clive Owen. Not exactly enamoured with how, literally every scene, the producers find it imperative to have a cigarette dangling out of Clive's mouth.
Its France in the 1960s ... if anything they need more smoking for realism's sake. The 15 year old girl should be smoking a pack a day by now.
To Jodie’s credit, she didn’t want to do this and just play a rehash of her Silence of The Lambs character. It comes around in the end but yes, she starts off cranked to 100
I re-watched episode 3 last night and gonna listen to the official podcast before episode 4 to see what I've missed that I was definitely supposed to catch. Am I seeing there's only six episodes or are they gonna cut the season into two parts?
Yeah, looks like it's just 6 episodes. After watching last night, I had to ask myself, it there a single character on this show that isn't pissed off at every other character on the show. Everyone seems so angry all the time.
Just watched 4 tonight. Will watch to the end just to see what the hell it's about! Foster is a good actress.
There were 8 in season 1, so yeah it's comparable. *spoilers* Wishing the season were longer is obviously a compliment to the show on my part. Danvers is such a mess, lol. Lots of interesting stuff dropped during episode 4! What the heck happened to Navarro there at the end? Is she the only one seeing this bear? Presumably, whatever scared the scientists is the reason animals were running off the cliff at the beginning? I still don't know who or what they were saying just woke up in episode 1. The academic lady who moved there seems like a great cook, and I think she may know what's up. Let's see if we get back to how Travis Cohle (and maybe Rust) play into all this. Lot to do in two shows!
Danvers saw the polar bear in last episode. Navarro saw her dead sister (I thought). A lot I'm not sure about
Yes, sorry, I meant to ask about Danvers seeing the bear. It has the eye out like the stuffed animal that was her son's. Makes me think she's seeing it and other people are not. Navarro did see her dead sister. She also saw the dude sit up in the bed who was talking about her mother. Everybody is either losing their mind and/or there's supernatural stuff happening.
Navarro saw the polar bear in an earlier episode, IIRC. Agree with your conclusion - don't forget the oranges
Well, there's plenty to be angry about lol. It's really dark and cold (I'm a night owl and think even I would get sick of the darkness after a few days). People are getting murdered. The community struggles with wanting to protect the citizens from environmental hazards but also needs money to pay their bills. There is pent-up sexual energy given the relatively few number of people; even Danvers is having to use Tinder and she's running out of options. Most of the White folks are dismissive of - if not openly antagonistic about - Native culture, even to their own family and friends. Alcoholism and fights seem to be a common past time. Despite all those issues and challenges, there is still something somewhat charming about both the place and the people.