James O’Keefe (Project Veritas) is a serial scumbag - yet people bought his claims at face value. Until now when he is forced to admit he got it all wrong. Reads like a lawyer wrote this pursuant to a court settlement. “neither Mr. Weisenbach nor any other USPS employee in Erie, Pennsylvania engaged in election fraud or any other wrongdoing related to mail-in ballots. With this update, I am aware of no evidence or other allegation that election fraud occurred in the Erie Post Office during the 2020 Presidential Election.
This just proves that voter fraud existed. Clearly this man was forced by Soros and the Globalists to release this statement.
Thanks for posting this, but it will never penetrate the RW consciousness nor cause shame or true regret at the damage to innocents and the lies
There was no widespread election fraud. There were small pockets of fraud pretty close to evenly spread between Republicans and democrats. Despite all of trump’s bluster there is no there there. How a fascist want to be is the presumptive republican nominee befuddles me.
No fan of O’Keefe’s actions in general, but I have to respect his forthright admission here, particularly in today’s world where doubling down in the face of objective contradictory facts is often celebrated.
He was forced to as part of the resolution of the case. It was not voluntary. James O'Keefe and Project Veritas settle suit over bogus voter fraud claims cited by Trump campaign
His forthright admission comes at the point of a gun as a result of a legal settlement of a lawsuit by those he defamed. Apparently Senator Graham repeated these accusations on the senate floor.
From what I can tell by my following and understanding of media sources, is that Republican voter fraud was more frequently reported than Democrat. Interestingly the republican fraud was often initiated by elected or appointed officials, which of course is very concerning.
Normally I would assume fraud is pretty evenly divided, but I actually think Trumps garbage probably tipped the scales toward more fraud by his own supporters. Why? Because he basically convinced them it’s normal. I haven’t seen any analysis or anything, I’m just saying it wouldn’t be surprising if he encouraged more than just the clowns in the Villages. In fact, in the end the biggest instances of attempted “fraud” I’m aware of were Trumps ask to “find me 11,780 votes” in Georgia and his attempts to disenfranchise voters in Michigan and stuff like that crazy lady in CO who compromised her own counties voting machines in an effort to chase conspiracies.
Threats of crippling lawsuits sometimes have the effect of bringing out honesty and integrity. Even Trump seems to have shut up about his rape victim - I am guessing there are 85 million reasons why he has done so.
It was only a few days ago that a certain poster to this board (hint: he is sometimes referred to as DD) cited James O'Keefe as a credible source. I replied to his post by noting that although Veritas means truth there is as much truth in Project Veritas as there is news in Fox News.
It's mind boggling that some morons still believe there was widespread election fraud or that the election was stolen from Trump.
I figured as much and was about to search to see if the postmaster had sued him or something. Thanks for posting that.