Stimulus drove spending for about a 5 week period. I studied it closely as my job was to plan business in an industry where they spent much of the stimulus. The big driver of inflation was transportation bottlenecks after the opening of the economy, profit margins, and lack of labor available with all time low unemployment. Stimulus was a bridge that replaced lost GDP and was signed by both parties. Trump signs $2.3T relief, spending package | The Hill
In practice the Democrats are creating a two class society: rich and poor. The uber rich vote Democrat, and there is a second class of those dependent on government handouts. Those two classes wage warfare against the middle class and tax it and regulate it out of existence. And then the middle class Democrats flee and move to more conservative states.
This post is living in the land of revisionism. You completely forgot that the ENTIRE WORLD shut down from roughly March - May 2020. There was no income (other than grocery stores and takeout food). People had no money, and businesses had no cash to pay their employees who couldn’t go to work. We were all sitting still watching Netflix. The Covid PPP money was a game changer. It gave people who ran businesses much needed breathing room and a shirt-term semblance of stability. It created confidence in jobs. And business deals and commerce picked up shortly after the PPP release of funds. Maybe that wasn’t so in your community, but it sure was for my business (a law firm) and my community. I am not a fan, generally speaking, of never ending handouts. But the PPP money was a National Necessity, and those who go back and pretend everything was roses are living in a fog of revisionism.
I think all Americans lose with the 2 options, it's just to what degree. Biden certainly is a flawed leader, but I find most of the hysteria attributed to him to be wrapped in hyperbole. I personally don't get out of starting blocks with Trump due to his basic attributes as a human being. Policy is secondary. People tell you who they are as they try to come to power. Trump certainly has and I take him at his word. History tells me that's its dangerous to overlook that because I might think certain attractive "ends" may be achieved. This conservative independent will never pull the trigger for a Trump-type leader.
Dems are doing their best to make it a coin flip by nominating a man who will be the oldest president by 10 years as his opponent. Good work all around.
The ppp was one of the biggest wastes of tax payer money and a handout to most businesses. There are very few businesses that barely made it and because of the ppp. We benefited greatly from it. Because of how inefficient it was and we live in Florida…the money hit our bank one day before we were allowed to work again. And I agree certain communities did not get the kind of benefit we did from it. And I agree something needed to be done since the idiots shut the country down and some shut their communities down for well over a year. I suppose those communities should have put a ppp program in place since they did not allow their people to work. I am just still jaded over how stupid our policies were.
Trump belongs to Republicans, full stop. Aren’t you guys the party of “personal responsibility?” Besides, stop acting like there is some big age gap between Trump and Biden. It’s four years and Biden is in a whole lot better shape both cognitively and physically. Can you imagine Trump’s fat ass on a Peloton? LOL
I can speak only from my experience, my client’s experience, and my friend’s experience, and it was absolutely needed at that time, and enormously helpful. I won’t get into a discussion over precautions and impact for a NOVEL, WORLDWIDE pandemic, because we all know your opinion.
I'm not sure you want to play the fat shaming card in the US. Statistically, half this board probably has the same or worse BMI than Trump. Just saying.
Seriously, that’s what you took from that? Good Lord Again, Trump belongs to Republicans. Stop trying to off load that POS on Democrats. You could win with Nikki Haley but….
You may think 4 years is not much, but I believe when we are young and when we are old 4 years seems to mean more. Example may not like but wouldn't be crazy if a 20-year-old dated a 16-year-old, but a 16-year-old dating a 12-year-old not so much. Same on the other end, I think there is a big difference between 81 and 85, but that's just me. We all age and mature at different rates, and as much as I have never ever liked Biden and his politics, up until a few years ago he didn't show his age. Now not so much, how many different places and times is he going to us about the death of his son Beau? How many times is going to speak and not know where to get off the stage he just walked up on? Is that age, or is he just as big of chronic liar as the other guy? I really feel sad for him that his family is so power hungry that they won't just let him enjoy his remining years at his beach house. Leave now while he is on top, rather than his lasting legacy will be the guy that beat Trump, then lost to Trump!
What a bunch of word salad ridiculousness. Biden is in better shape across the board than “Mr. Man Woman Camera TV”
Actually, Democrats are the educated 3-digit IQ part of the country. Republicans fall into one of 2 camps: Rubes who are brainwashed and can't analytically think about the garbage they are fed to believe and the very rich who take advantage of them by pushing said garbage on them.
Living life as a Trump believing droogie is a form of mental illness affecting a quarter of the country.