Agree. I forgot to mention it. The shift following disclosure of Hillary Clinton's emails on Huma Abedin's laptop could very well have made the difference. Although small a number of polls taken after the disclosure indicated a shift from Clinton to Trump. Considering that the margin in the swing states that Trump won was one percent or less that could been enough to throw the election to the Orange One. In defense of Comey the existence of the Clinton emails on the Abedin/Weiner laptop would have probably have been disclosed by Rudy Giuliani who still had a close relationship with senior agents at the FBI's NYC field office going back to his tenure as mayor and US Attorney.
Yeah Repubs absolutely love Trump. And the few who don't like him will blame the Dems (for not putting up a stronger candidate) if Trump wins.
You have a point. Maga, or as you call them “low information ignorant personality cult followers”, are very easily influenced and manipulated. What’s your solution? How can they be encouraged to stop blindly following demagogues?
Most Americans know little about the Constitution and the ideals which shaped America until recently. They have to much on their plates trying to make a living and supporting their families. Recently, they've seen dramatic income inequality and are understandably resentful. I would never call these people ignorant except in one respect: they don't see that Trump is of the class they resent, and that he is a narcissist who does not care one iota about them or the welfare of this country. (Actually, it's not ignorance so much as emotion overruling reason. We're all susceptible to it.)
I think, as I’ve posted before, that the indictments are not politically motivated, and those that took the time to be informed by reading the indictments and doing their level best to review them objectively would agree that the indictments were fact-based and entirely consistent with our principles of Justice that no man is above the law. But I also agree that the indictments have served as a Republican rally-cry to circle the wagons and uniformly support Trump, because of the misguided view that the indictments were politically motivated. And thus while the indictments are independent and fact-based, they have become the political ammunition to circle support behind an unlikable, morally unqualified candidate. I personally wish both sides offered better choices. As it stands, I will never vote for Trump for the legion of reasons that are well-known.
I am starting to see through the subtle mist of your vague indifference as the coalescing vapors part in the flowing evening breeze. You don't like Trump, do you?
Hillary also spent most of the final three weeks taking a victory lap in California, celebrating her imminent victory with supporters there. She believed her advisors that people in rural areas and small towns didn't matter, so she refused to campaign in those places. She lost Pennsylvania because she spent all of what little time she spent in the state in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and ignored the smaller towns. She didn't have to visit ALL of the smaller towns, just enough to make people think she cared about them and their problems. She refused to listen to her husband, who knew a thing or two about elections and campaigning. She had an easy time in the primaries, because she bought so many of the super-electors that a close primary election would swing her way.
LOL! If you think dems care one bit about income inequality. You are beyond naive. They are the reason we just had the massive inflation we did. That said. It did help us make decisions sooner than planned that have benefited us. But the dems continue to leave those with less farther behind! But trump!!!! LOL!
Covid and the idiotic policies behind giving people money just to give people money drove the inflation we just witnessed. From the ppp (which we benefited from) to just child tax credits and every other hand out you can think of. We created this problem. What did you think was going to happen with all the “free” money? Now there is no doubt we had a ticking time bomb even without Covid. But did we ever just hand people money…
well, you proved me wrong.The expansion of your thoughts underlying your post has made it make even less sense.
Let’s see if I can make it even less sense for you… You give people money just to give them money. And you raise minimum wage to ridiculous levels. You will flame the fire to create more income inequality. We are far better today because of these stupid policies. But that is a different story for those on fixed incomes and the inability to own and build a business. Sure there are plenty of jobs that don’t require that and provide a solid income and living. But we have crushed the jobs that were decent before as the dollar they earn even if a bit more gets eaten up far faster now.
I think they relied on polling which was really bad in the rust belt. Lots of people who voted for Trump in those states didn’t want to admit in polls they were voting for Trump.
Brilliant strategy working so well!!
If you think democrats don’t care one bit about economic inequality, I’d suggest that you don’t actually know them very well and are just assuming things about them based on your worldview.
This. Immediately after 2016's election I did wonder if something fishy had happened. The exit polls in several states didn't match the outcomes. After Wisconsin did their recount, I came to accept that folks lied on the exit polls because they were embarrassed to admit they voted for the creep. Also, polls are based on "likely voters", which are based on past turnouts. Trump tapped into the anger of the deplorables and got them to come out in much bigger numbers.