Do you really want the UN/EU telling you how to live your American life... in America? That's what these NWO/WEF/Commies/RINOs in Biden's administration and congress want for you and I. Forget meat and forget energy for your ICE machines... that will all belong to China.
Assuming you're old enough, would you have said the same thing about Bush 20 years ago? If Ted Cruz, or some other Republican, had won in 2016, would you be saying the same thing about them? Edit: Actually instead of 20 years ago, make it 2007.
Like when Gore lost or when the Hildabeast lost? Yes, we all remember you 5-year-olds crying and falsely claiming it was stolen
Of course, he KNOWS it wasn't stolen from him. He admitted this to White House insiders. But, his own efforts to steal the 2020 election from Biden failed. So, he'll try to steal the 2024 election, having learned from his 2020 failure and having spend the last 3+ years putting his authoritarian lackies in power in swing states. His objective is not to win the vote, but to do a better job of stealing the 2024 election.
docspor said: ↑ If you think you are a conservative & don't have disdain for Trump, then I think you are an idiot. docspor said: ↑ English your first language? flgator2 said: ↑ A great example of a liberal poster losing an argument, resorts to insults. citygator said: ↑ It’s like playing a game with a 5 year old. If they dont win they claim they were cheated. Then I gave my response, thanks @WarDamnGator for leaving out their comments to fit your agenda.
Reminds of the old adage, there’s no such thing as stupid questions, just stupid people who ask questions.
Well it’s clear then, if we use his “reasoning” (if this then that), he must be a liberal. Perhaps undercover.
I think that the Dems did not bring the indictments, and did not tip any scale. I think the justice department brought the indictments, and I think the indictments are legitimate and reflective of Trump’s criminal conduct. At the same time, I also think you’re correct in that the indictments have had the unintended consequence of convincing a mass of people (who have not read the indictments or considered any of the facts or evidence in which they are based) that the indictments are a hit job,and they were put off by the act. It has caused a mass of people to mobilize for Trump.
I think the “control issue” is flat out wrong. Conservative media is, factually, stronger than liberal media. Just look at ratings and net worth between Fox News and CNN. Also, red states have taken huge steps to quell blue voting at all steps of the election cycle, through gerrymandering, stricter voter laws and restrictions on the manner in which we vote, including absentee ballots. That helps Red and hurts blue. At the same time, Hollywood actors itself has built-in star power and reach, and that greatly helps blue. But overall, I cannot buy into the “institutional advantage” messaging that favors Dems that I’ve been seeing across conservative media.
I think that was true then. I think, though, the tide has turned back in favor of Red in places like Georgia.
Probably true. If the presidential election were held now Trump would almost certainly carry Georgia although that could change by November. Fortunately for the Democrats neither of the Georgia Senate seats is up for a vote this November.
Wow, I like old adages. I even used one earlier in the thread. Tell me, what do you think of the old adage, "Ad hominem attacks are the last refuge of a weak argument."?