If Donald and his followers genuinely believe the last election was stolen from him, why would he be running again when clearly they would just steal it from him again? They managed to steal it from him when Biden wasn't in power, they're clearly more capable of stealing it now with more Dems in place.
For the pubs that aren't just ignorant, it is about changing voting laws to make it harder for folks to vote. This is happening in every red controlled state under the lie that the election was stolen and there is a need to stop voter fraud. Here in NC, they have 1) had voter purges where if you haven't voted for some period they just boot your voter registration. Don't even tell you it happened. 2) Require voter id, but are making no effort to make sure voters w/o drivers licenses get new ids. I have seen other states doing the same.
The Dems are just gonna have to use 4,000 mules this time. They pulled it all off with Trump in power in 2020, Imagine what they can do this time.
Original post asking a question. Then, two posts subsequently denigrating the folks to whom the question was asked. Yeah, sure...so much wrong with how quickly this thread turns south. Not my monkey, not my circus. Enjoy commiserating in your bubble.
I get it denigrated quickly, but I'm honestly curious. If you're a Trump supporter who believes the election was stolen, why vote? Why is Trump bothering to run again? If I was at a poker table and was being cheated by the dealer, why would I got back to the same table and expect a different result?
I don't think I speak for all Trump supporters by any means, but I don't think the last election was stolen. I think Democrats have tried to tip the scales in their favor this election cycle with the indictments and it just might backfire.
I also think Democrats have a lot of major institutional advantages which are in many ways both politically unfair and bad for the country, but that's not "stealing" an election. That's just having control over media and influential figures, which I consider a separate issue entirely. There needs to be more "diversity of thought" with respect to politics in media, academia, and Hollywood. What we have now are echochambers with the occasional token conservative and everyone else sneers at them.
There are supporters on this board that still say it was stolen. I'd be curious their answer, though I appreciate yours
Some commentators suggested that Trump may have actually been responsible for Democrats winning two Senate seats in the 2020/21 Georgia runoff election. Although Trump campaigned on behalf of the two Republican candidates, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, he kept emphasizing that he lost the presidential election as the result of massive fraud strongly implying that elections results couldn't be trusted. Considering that turnout was lower in "red" counties than "blue" counties Trump's message may have had the unintended effect of suppressing turnout among Republican voters.
The question makes sense. I am not one that believes the election was stolen, so I can’t properly answer it either, but an analogy to sports might help. From reading GC, I gather that many Gator fans believe that the refs, the SEC, and/or NCAA is biased against UF. Yet our fans look forward to the games. You sometimes see comments such as “We need to overcome the refs”, suggesting that the hold that the refs have on the game isn’t total. Maybe the refs will cost Florida 5 or 10 points, but the Gators still have a chance to win by 6 or 11 points overcoming the deficit. Perhaps we are dealing with something similar here.
It's a valid question, in the sense that I've pondered what ifs such as this in my head. I think the idea is to make the victory so large, that they can't fix it by stuffing a bunch of fake ballots in at the end. That is the genius of Trump's schtick about the 2020 Election. He's making sure that every angry white male in rural Georgia turns out to vote this time. It is what it is ...
They honestly might be right. And that’s just a massive self-inflicted political wound on Trump’s part. Don’t see any sort of beneficial strategy to that sort of talk when you’re simply trying to win. It comes across as being impulsive and lacking self control. I’d say his default demeanor is like this, add in frustration over the election and it’s just a really bad combination to the Republican Party and Donald Trump himself.