Even after Trump grudgingly conceded that Obama was in fact born in the US he never apologized for his years of birtherism.
None of this proves racism. It may prove people being prone to bad information or information not supported by evidence. A lot of Democrats still think the Russians stole the 2016 election.
You seem to agree with the entirety of my comment with the exception of the extent of progress made in that time frame. Do you think we have regressed in racial divisions since 2008?
I don't understand why people act like the birtherism was the worst thing in the world. I can see why it's fringe conspiracy theory type stuff. But even if taken for being true, all it does is raise a question as to his ability to legally take the office. It doesn't speak negatively to him as a human being or anything like that. People should not personally be judged by the place in which they were born. Once he took the office in 2009, you had people shouting into the clouds about the birtherism nonsense, but it never materialized into anything and never threatened to materialize into anything. It was too late even if it was true. Obama was never going to be removed from office because of some conspiracy theory crap that he was born in Kenya.
Trump has emboldened people to be more outwardly racist and cruel, but it was there the whole time. Just look at all the hatred and racism directed at Arab Americans and folks who got lumped in with them after 9/11. I'll say that it does feel like progress has slowed, but that seems like a partial byproduct of the change in the federal courts. We went through a period where the federal courts were aiding the cause of equality. Unfortunately, that's no longer true.
Fear has a tendency to stoke prejudice. We would all do well to remember that and try to stay rational even when we're frightened. Another fundamental point of disagreement for us. I think courts deliberately tipping the scales to rectify historical injustice actually does more to stoke racial resentment than actually further equality. I think that's beyond their role. But I'm not sure we're going to get anywhere there.
Obama emboldened racial tribalism and identity politics in American society. That is a huge part of Obama’s legacy.
That's funny, a lot of Republicans actually think Russia didn't interfere with the 2016 election or collude with Trump's campaign.
Trump questioned Cruz’ background too, although to a lesser extent. Not only born in Canada but Trump also fueled conspiracies about Cruz’ Cuban father. Donald Trump takes aim at Ted Cruz | CNN Politics He’s got a problem,” Trump said. “Whether you like it or not, Ted has to figure it out.” He went on: “You can’t have a nominee who’s going to be subject to being thrown out as the nominee. You just can’t do it. So you gotta make that decision, folks.”
As a Cuban, I don't think Trump is prejudiced against Cubans. I think he's a guy who wrestles with the truth and says a lot of dumb shit.
I think what he says can be both entirely calculated and be “dumb” to you and me. Trump isn’t stupid and knows how to brand. I can’t be certain how Trump truly “feels” about Cuban people or other ethnicities or races. Personally, I think he cares mostly about himself and, at the very least, knows exactly when he’s pandering to ethnic xenophobia or pulling out his racial dog whistle.