How? You think America would’ve elected ANY Black President in say 1969, even under the same election rules as 2008? If not, wouldn’t that alone indicate progress between the civil rights movement and 2008?
The fantasy is pretending that race relations were on some linear improvement. We are a less racist society today than we were in 1964. But the racial divisions were always there. There were always issues. And Obama didn't cause any seismic shift in race relations. If anything, his presidency just prompted racist folks to be more explicit in what they had always thought.
Sorry. I thought the Nimbra thing bothered you based on your post. Just thought the memes of Michelle bothered you too. My bad. Carry on with your memes.
Half of America elected Obama. The other half called him a racist Kenyan Muslim married to a man… not all the other half, but much or most.
Given that Zimmerman followed Martin explicitly because he was black, and that action led to the series of events where he ended up shooting him, that is a pretty good example. But do you really need a list of racist killings during the Obama administration? I wouldn't even need to leave Haley's state to do that. Dylann Roof - Wikipedia Killing of Walter Scott - Wikipedia
Now the cray cray nut supports Texas succession?? "If Texas decides they want to do that, they can do that. If that whole state says we don't want to be part of America anymore. I mean, that's their decision to make. I don't think government needs to tell people how to live, how to do anything. I mean, I think that we need to let freedom live." Texas secession movement celebrates Nikki Haley's remarks
She has no principles and will say whatever she thinks it takes to get elected, but she is still preferable to Trump.
According to a poll a couple years into his term, 51% of Republican primary voters said Obama was foreign. 21% said they weren't sure. Only 28% believed he was born in the United States and met that qualification to be president. I don't think Trump conceded the point until 2016. 51% of GOP voters: Obama foreign
a black man in the white house! Oh the humanity! Whatever shall we do? The past several years have shown what.
Racist America could stomach the incremental movement towards racial equality until a non-white man became president. They they lost their ever loving minds. Obama being in the news every day fired up their racist brains every time they saw him. All the other stuff moving towards equality they could compartmentalize somewhat until America's "Big Daddy" was no longer white. Obama didn't do a darn thing in office to flame racial tensions except being there.
No chance. Nikki Haley is a normie Republican. I don't want her to be President. I would not vote for her. But she's not an existential threat to this country in the way Trump is.
I’ve never understood this narrative about Obama being so divisive. What exactly did he do that was so divisive ? I think it’s more that Fox News and conservative media demonized him.