Gave you a ‘friendly’. i too work and train with LE of all levels and agree with your entire post other than first sentence
They shouldn't be here. 64 Times the Biden Administration Intentionally Undermined Border Security - Speaker Mike Johnson
Wait… I can’t keep up. Do conservatives like law enforcement again? Is it Blue Lives Matter again or is it still the police are traitors?
The most (proudly) racist poster on this site saying we need to consider people as individuals when they are cops, things that are very ironic, yet predictable
So the latest is they got no jail time and no bail. Get out and being reported several of them hopped a bus to Cali. I just believe if you are asylum seeker and break the law, you should be deported and not allowed to seek asylum for at least some period of time. I guess these guys don't qualify for deportation since they were in a sanctuary city and ICE was not brought in to deport them. I don't get how anyone can possibly believe these guys shouldn't have been deported if they were actually asylum seekers.
Pretty sure beating a cop is illegal no matter who does it. Calling what happened a 'beating' is a stretch, and if the cops cant charge them with anything or even hold them in jail, that should tell you something ... Of course the people with brainworms will take away that "crime is legal" but thats a you problem.
Well considering that NY eliminated bail for most offenses, not holding them in jail wasn't an option.
I know you will disagree, but if you put your hands on, swing and connect with a cop, you should be out in jail. I'm defending all cops and some of them cross the line, but the video clearly shows multiple offenders swing and kicking cops. If you think that's ok, then you do you!!
You don’t need to limit it to police. Rather than spend the money on jail time for this guy I’d rather we simply put him on a plane to an airport in his home country as far from the US border as possible.
. It certainly does…… tells us you are completely ignorant on how the criminal Justice system actually works. Also tells me you have never been anywhere near real violence. There were minimum 2 kicks to the head. in addition, video tells me that unfortunately, neither LEO has had any supplemental training in basic grappling, striking or hand fighting. Maybe they will now
Don't make me laugh. There is a difference in not being politically correct and being racist. I treat people of all races equal, just pull no punches in the name of political correctness. An illegal immigrant from England is the same as an illegal from Mexico as far as I am concerned. They are both here illegally and need to be sent home.
"In any group of 1,000,000 people, some of them are gonna suck. No one's pretending otherwise. But the percent of people arrested crossing the border who have criminal records is at the lowest its ever been. Less than 1% in FY23 and fewer in raw numbers than FY15 when it was 5.7%"
If Mike Johnson was actually concerned about border security he would be supporting the Senate compromise supported by Mitch McConnell and James Lankford neither of whom are exactly "open border" liberals. Instead Johnson is bowing to his Dear Leader with the orange complexion who is more interested in using immigration as a campaign issue than actually solving the problem. Lankford defends bipartisan border security deal | The Journal Record Why GOP Sen. James Lankford is facing backlash from Republican Party Trump Has Thrown a Wrench Into Mitch McConnell’s Immigration Deal