Nikki, the one who wont say slavery, wants the GOP base to blame uppity President Obama for racism in America. You see the country was harmonious and unified on race until Obama divided the country, presumably by being elected. Plus he is an Iranian sympathizer. Nikki knows how to butter the bread on the right. She is a POS who deserves what Donald Trump and his followers will do to her single digit polling career. Nikki Haley Blames Obama for Racism "With Obama, if you go back. That’s when we really started to feel the division,” Haley said. “Everything was exaggerated with the Obama administration. It became more about gender, it became more about race, it became more about separating Americans instead of bringing them together,” Haley continued, claiming Obama made Americans “feel boxed in.” She continued: “Everybody is at fault. I’m not saying one person did this, but I’m saying under that administration, it really did cause some… You just felt — people felt like they were being put in camps through that administration. The second thing is, he was very much an Iranian sympathizer. He very much kept wanting to do things with Iran. I think that’s incredibly dangerous. This is a culture that says, ‘Death to America,’ and you have to always be careful. A lot of spending happened on his watch that started us down that spiral.”
She's been going off the deep end lately ... She also said that America was never a racist nation (even during slavery, segregation, etc.) and said that the Dylan Roof Mass Shooting (white guy who shot up the black church after yelling about how "black people are taking over") wasn't a racist act. But she is also super sensitive about Trump making fun of her name ... Nikki Haley sidesteps addressing whether Trump mocking her birth name was racist (
Speaking of racism. Squad’s Pressley Accuses Walgreens Of Racism After It Closes Store In Her District | The Daily Wire
Rated it funny, not mocking you @citygator, but just laughing at the audacity of Haley. The worst part is that the base will largely agree with her.
Obama had a chance to unite the nation. Like almost every libbie I’ve ever known….they choose to divide. Nikki Haley is a badass.
It won’t be easy. But a slightly more open mind can see where she is coming from. Racism was about to breathe its last ugly breath. Obama resuscitated it for political points. So sad. So hateful.
Although Nikki Haley is infinitely superior to the Orange POS she is apparently still trying to claw away some of his supporters. Probably will have little impact if that's her goal since they worship him like the leader of a cult.
Righties: “Racism doesn’t exist now and it hasn’t existed in a long time. It’s a figment of the left’s imagination.” Also righties: “But let’s say hypothetically racism did exist, it’s Obamas fault!”
That's what I'm thinking ... her better bet was to try to secure 100% of the moderates and not try to out-Trump Trump with the hardcore racists.
while I know that you're being facetious when you use Nikki Haley's birth name you sound like her Republican primary opponent with the orange complexion although at least you spelled it correctly. Best not to go there.
She's partially correct when she says "With Obama, if you go back. That’s when we really started to feel the division.” “Everything was exaggerated with the Obama administration. It became more about gender, it became more about race, it became more about separating Americans instead of bringing them together...." She's just blaming the wrong people. The issue wasn't with what Obama was doing, it was a function of a large part of the Republican party reacting to the temerity of the Dems nominating and then electing a black man to be president of the United States.
Against the popular trope, I’m beginning to think that we could use more Neville Chamberlains. I honestly cannot believe that unless we stop Putin we’ll all be speaking Russian tomorrow.