Yes. Plus we don't like something that affects us not one bit so we will wipe it from existence with every tool at our disposal.
That's too bad. I was hoping he would get the message and come back home and just govern for Floridians, rather than continuing to use his office to do what he thought would play best nationally.
This just seems to be Florida saying “No, we’re not going to do this.” But it’s attacking a plastic object.
That's where the fairgrounds were. Still are, I guess. I haven't heard of any morphodites there lately. At least not at the fairgrounds.
What “gender” does your Florida DL reflect? And, does your Florida DL also have a separate disclosure for your “Sex”.
I don't really have an opinion.....except as to.DeSantis making this an issue. Oh, and cocodilo is funny as hell!
The DL has sex. Sex is not gender. Your sex doesn’t change because you’ve decided you are a different gender. I suppose that leaves open what do you do for those that had sex change operation. Gender is a completely meaningless concept these days. This is all such nonsense.
People lie about their weight on their drivers license all the time with no issue. So what’s wrong with them luring about their gender?