No desire to read further, but there are unstable people out there getting wrapped up in conspiratorial thinking
That's awful. Partisan and Populism politics - the scourge of the 21st century. The words and causes people are rallying for have consequences.
He rails against the LGBTQ community, the Black Lives Matters and “terrorist organizations such as anti-fa.” He calls for the seizure of federal buildings and says federal employees should be “publicly executed for betraying their country.” A certain contingent on Too Hot sounds like they'd be best friends with this guy. Anyway, I'm sure the usual nutjobs will claim that this guy is a fed and that this incident never occurred.
Reminds of that QANON nutter that killed his children. Wonder what this guy did that makes him think he’s a “patriot”? Other than decapitating his own father, I’m guessing nothing. Nothing at all. Maybe he went to a rally and waved a MAGA flag? Such a patriot! Now I guess the nutter can rant at the feds that keep him locked up (assuming this is charged as a federal crime, which it ostensibly could be).
Shocker right? Good thing nobody took me up on that bet (assuming he’s also fat and has a neckbeard).
Not fat. Minor neckbeard. This article has some background on the wanna be domestic terrorist. Beheading Suspect Justin Mohn: Called For Attacks, Had Past Police Interactions & Sang That Dad Was Jealous Of Him - Sounds like exactly the kind of guy who blames Taylor Swift for his failings.
Despite his political rantings, this seems more a case of extreme mental illness than it does politics. Unfortunately, the nature of politics can so easily feed the mentally ill with that much more anger and need for violence.
Not The Onion. Dude cuts his dad's head off and displays it on his YouTube channel. His dad's crime? I'm not usually into posting crazy one off stories because there are always crazy people, but damn. I'll be interested to see if this kid fell into a rabbit hole or if he's always been completely loco. Sad story.
Yeah, sounds like both. I guess it shouldn't be surprising if there's overlap in many cases. His resentment about how poorly he thinks men are treated is notable. Very sad.
The problem is the guy might not have had signs of “extreme mental illness” until… well… he beheaded somebody. Obviously the fact that for years prior he sued former employers and a school for “allowing him” to take out student loans says something as to him having issues. But they might not have had anything that would warrant institutionalization. Hell he’s basically just repeating right wing media talking points and conspiracies. I guess the “good news” is at least he only killed one family member instead of shooting up a wal-mart, as some of these psychos are apt to do.