2024 General Election: Trump vs. Biden Polls | RealClearPolling I would like to know what events would lead to a reversal in this trend? Is Biden going to become younger and need less help off the stage? Is the economy going to improve from a <4% unemployment rate? Looking closer, isn't Michigan considered a blue state? 2024 Michigan Election: Trump vs. Biden Polls | RealClearPolling I firmly believe Biden has lost middle America. The inflation hit is way worse than is being reported. Few people can afford to move. Used car prices are exorbitant. Food prices are still running higher. Those are the three areas middle America feels the most pain. Whether for right or wrong, middle America links that pain with Joe Biden. I don't think his age has much to do with it, as Trump is almost as old.
I am. I think Trump wins easily. In 2016 he went out of his way to be an ass clown deluxe & he won. in 2020, same. Further, in 2020 despite cranking up the clownishness & delivering a few leftist econ policies, only 44,000 votes stood between him & Biden. Dems prob is arrogance & complacency. They think all they need is abortion & Trump. I think they are wrong.
The polling in swing states right now looks like trump wins Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan. I think that’s enough for him to win. Which is crazy I can’t believe the country wants 4 more years of that shit. But it’s January. A lot can change by election time. Plus they’re all within the margin of error. Ergo- it’s going to be super close again. latest Michigan poll has Biden up in 538.
Most of the more recent polls out of Michigan are beyond the MOE and in favor of Trump. I think it's important to note this, because Michigan is hardcore middle class America and that is why Biden seems to be losing there. For middle class Americans, the economic turbulence of inflation hasn't been a fun ride at all.
i dont want 4 more years of inept joe, giggles harris, and all of central america storming the border, which i believe i read the other day biden finally said it was not secure,
If Biden would just get out there and talk to the people more, he probably wins. As it stands, the middle class doubts him and he never mingles with the middle class, so they assume he's in hiding. As you said, arrogance and complacency.. At some point the lack of campaigning and interaction with the people is going to bite.
Biden does look in trouble in Michigan for sure. Like I said it’ll all be close. Last two votes there with 0.3 percent either way. Biden could also lose Michigan she still win by surviving in Arizona or Nevada and seems to be in the lead in Pennsylvania. All of those states, throw in Georgia, are probably going to be close. I think the issue for democrats once again is turnout and I think once trump is front and center running his mouth during the general election these polls will tighten up.
yawn. I guess republicans will pass something through the house to protect the border then…. Oh wait no they won’t cause they’re full of shit.
Yes, there's a massive problem I haven't been talking about for 3+ years, but if you help me get $100 billion more to fund the Ukrainian human catastrophe, I'll think about doing something about our border crisis. America Not Quite First. Okay, okay, America Last. Now go talk to Mike Johnson! You all should know by now I schedule two naps every afternoon.
Still trying to figure out how securing our border should be in any way, shape or fashion tied to sending the Ukrainians billions of dollars to fight a war on foreign soil. I feel like they could be treated as separate issues.
And yet every time there’s some potential progress on immigration reform, GOP members find a way to scuttle it