few excerpts. Financial Well-being: Nearly three-quarters of the elites surveyed believe they are better off now financially than they were when Joe Biden entered the White House. Less than 20% of ordinary Americans feel the same way. Individual Freedom: Elites are three times more likely than all Americans to say there is too much individual freedom in the country. Astonishingly, almost half of the elites and almost 6 of 10 ivy leaguers say there is too much freedom. Climate Change: An astonishing 72% of the elites -- including 81% of the elites who graduated from the top universities -- favor banning gas cars. And majorities of elites would ban gas stoves, nonessential air travel, SUVs and private air conditioning. That means no air travel with the kids to Disney World. Education: Most elites think that teachers unions and school administrators should control the agenda of schools. Most mainstream Americans think that parents should make these decisions.
It’s a pdf. Article /survey defines an elite as: one or more post graduate degree with income $150,000 or more and living in densely populated area(10,000 or more per square mile).
“This report is based upon two separate surveys of 1,000 Members of the Elites. They were conducted online by Scott Rasmussen on September 11-26, 2023, and September 14-29, 2023. RMG Research, Inc. conducted fieldwork for the survey. The Elites are defined as those having a postgraduate degree, a household income of more than $150,000 annually, and living in a zip code with more than 10,000 people per square mile. Approximately 1% of the total U.S. population meets these criteria. These parameters were determined after observing numerous surveys indicating that these elite segments of the population consistently exhibited views that were distinct from the general population. The sample was lightly weighted by gender, age, and race to reflect the demographic profile established through surveys of Registered Voters.”
The two Americas are people with PHDs and make 6 figures in densely populated areas and everyone else? Ok sure. Glad to be a real American!
Of course, none of this applies to the elites themselves. What kind of flushproof turd complains of too much freedom? Too much freedom, my ass. There isn't enough and there's less every day.
I’m curious whether you, and other posters,identify as an “elite” or an “ordinary American.” I’m an “ordinary American” every single day, even if I despise being referred to as “ordinary”.
The degree thing is weird. But more than that, in the county I live i , 150k in household income would put you below the median. And I suspect most of the places they live would be similar if not as dramatic. I think 150k HHI doesn’t even get you into the top 20 percent nationally.
This is a ridiculous line to draw. Here a list of places that fit the description. I don't think 150k household income in any of those locales constitutes "elite".
Some elite fools named Arthur Laffer, Stephen Moore, and Larry Kudlow run the Committee to Unleash Prosperity. That's all anyone needs to know.
Given who is behind the "survey" ... they probably asked them something about gun violence in America or gay rights ... anything suggesting too many guns are a problem, or Christianity shouldn't be used as an excuse to suppress or attack gay people, would be seen as "they hate freedom!" ...
The advanced degree thing was the big tip off that this thing is rigged. A guy making 10 million dollars on Wall Street or at a hedge fund not elite because he only has an undergrad degree from Harvard, sure sounds legit!
The combo is whack. Seems like another divide and sell approach. The title of the PDF is Them v Us, for Christ sake. Created for the reader that wants to be mad.
"Two-thirds (67%) say teachers and other educational professionals should decide what children are taught rather than letting parents decide." Stuff like this just seems so dumb. Imagine, professionals with degrees in education deciding what children are taught. The nerve those "elites". I mean, do they envision every class will have 25 lesson plans tailored to what each parent allows their kid to learn? Or is this supposed to be a majority wins situation? Hey, 51% of parents voted that kids should be taught that 2+2 = 4 because Jesus says so ... so we have to go with that ...
According this, making $150k makes you elite and puts you in the top 1%. LMAO! I think they forgot a zero.
2 things that make you not elite in my book 1. choosing to live in a high density area 2. not cooking with gas